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        % of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time - (YTD)

        % of children becoming subject to a Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time - (YTD)

        Biophysical measurements from Ethiopia's Awassa region during the drought and subsequent floods of 2015-2016

        This dataset contains the biophysical measurements (mineral nitrogen, percent carbon, percent nitrogen, percent soil moisture, particle size analysis and aggregate stability) from soil collected...

        Soil water measurements from Ethiopia’s Awassa region during the drought and subsequent floods of 2015-2016

        Measurements were taken in three fertility zones within households in two districts of Halaba in the SNNPR, Ethiopia. Measurements were taken after the El Niño event of 2015/16, so reflect the...

        NI 065 - Percentage of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time

        The indicator measures the number who had previously been the subject of a child protection plan, or on the child protection register of that council, regardless of how long ago that was against...

        NI 065 - Percentage of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time

        The indicator measures the number who had previously been the subject of a child protection plan, or on the child protection register of that council, regardless of how long ago that was against...

        Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation: quarterly data on outcomes and stops & searches Great Britain

        Quarterly data on the number of terrorism arrests, outcomes of terrorist arrests, principal offences for which terrorism suspects charged and time (in days) from arrest to charge or release of...

        Authorisations Held by FSA Staff

        A snap-shot of the numbers of FSA inspection staff (Official Veterinarians and Meat Hygiene Inspectors) designated for red meat, poultry and wild game.

        Firearm Certificate Statistics, Scotland

        Statistics relating to firearm and shot gun certificates under the Firearms Act, 1968. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

        Eradication England - Ruddy Ruck Non-target Casualties

        This dataset includes details of all non-target casualties (confirmed and suspected) shot during the UK Ruddy Duck Eradication Programme. Species, sex, date of incident, and background information...

        BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Westline Seismic Survey Data (1993)

        WESTLINE was acquired by BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate). The seismic data image the faulted conjugate margins of the Rockall Trough and the intrabasinal sediments....

        Private Landlord Survey

        The 2010 Private Landlord Survey is a national survey of landlords and managing agents who own and/or manage privately rented properties in England. The aim of the survey is to provide a snap-shot...

        BIRPS (British Institutes Reflection Profiling Syndicate) Faeroe-Iceland Ridge Experiment (FIRE) seismic data (1994)

        Faeroe-Iceland Ridge Experiment (FIRE) was acquired by BIRPS (the British Institutions Reflection Profiling Syndicate). The primary target was anomalously thick oceanic crust along the...

        2013 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2013/14 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2006 - 2006 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2006/07 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2009 - 2009 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2009/10 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2010 - 2010 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2010/11 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2014 - 2014 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2014/15 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2015 - 2015 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2015/16 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2012 - 2013 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2012/13 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...

        2004 - 2004 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Western Channel sole and plaice 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

        One of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) survey series of Western Channel sole and plaice. The survey’s main aim is to show trends in the distribution, abundance and age composition of sole...