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Estimated species richness data used in study of UK Ecological status

Estimated species richness data for valuation of biodiversity across the UK, based on species occurrence records for 11 taxonomic groups (Bees, Birds, Bryophytes, Butterflies, Carabidae,...

Population Estimate

Office for National Statistics (ONS) Population Estimates by district, ward, parish, neighbourhood plan area, MSOA (Medium layer super output area) , LSOA (Lower layer super output area), age and...

Tourism Spend Estimates

Local Authority level tourist spend estimates (£ millions). Indicitive borough level day visitor estimates for 2007 were derived from the LDA’s own experimental London level day visitor estimates....

Farm Income Estimates

Aggregate Total Income From Farming (TIFF) estimates including values for Inputs, Outputs, Grants and Subsidies. Average Farm Business Income estimates by farm type. Source agency: Scottish...

Annual birth estimates

This dataset has now moved to [](

Population estimates by broad age band

Population estimates for broad age groups including working age, pensionable age and children aged 0-15. Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS): Population and Demography Publisher:...

Youth Cohort Study

The Youth Cohort Study was a major programme of longitudinal research designed to monitor the behaviour and decisions of representative samples of young people aged sixteen upwards as they make the...

Small area population estimates

Data for Output areas used to produce population estimates for a range of small areas (Super Output Areas, Wards, Parliamentary Constituencies, and Health Geographies). These estimates are derived...

Indicative Parish Population estimates

Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018 small area population estimates, using best-fit aggregation. Indicative parish population estimates derived from ONS mid-2018 small...

Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Notes: 1. The estimates are produced using a variety of data sources and statistical models. Therefore small estimates should not be taken to refer to particular...

Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Population estimates for the 3,780 Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024. Time Period Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and...

Estimated Urban Soil Chemistry

The Estimated Urban Soil Chemistry data are derived by spatial interpolation of the Measured Urban Soil Chemistry data. A unique feature of this dataset is the inclusion for the first time of...

Cambridgeshire Railway Usage Estimates

A selection of csv files breaking down rail usage estimates across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) produces yearly (April-March) estimates of the total number of...

Toxoplasma study database

A database to hold details of cases and controls for the toxoplasma study

Detailed Estimates File

Presents annual data estimates on internal migration, by Local Authorities in England and Wales. The outputs also provide data on moves between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. They...

Employment Land Study Sites

Employment Land Study Sites, as identified in the Blackpool Employment Land Study (June 2014)

Mid-year population estimates

Description of Data Population estimates for the 850 Super Data Zones in Northern Ireland were published on 25th July 2024. Time Period Estimates are provided for mid-2021 and...

Immigration Statistics: study

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

Youth Cohort Study & Longitudinal Study of Young People in England

Statistics based on survey responses to YCS and LSYPE and brings together data about the family environment, attitudes to school, risky behaviours, engagement, attainment and post-16 participation....

ID 2007 Population estimates

ID 2007 population estimates (constructed using a combination of the 2001 Census and the 2005 Mid-Year Estimates (MYEs)) Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG) Publisher: Communities and...