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Deaths involving MRSA

Deaths where meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available from 1993...

Deaths involving Clostridium difficile

Deaths where Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) was mentioned on the death certificate: by sex, age group and place of death in Wales. National data are available for 1999 and for 2001...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - London Strategy

This forms part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy Resource Library, please click here for more information. There has never been a larger volume of strategies and guidance for improving...

Sustainable Transport Strategy - Resource Library

Barnet is in the process of developing a transport strategy to understand and improve the way individuals travel across the borough.   With population expected to reach 400,000 by 2020 Barnet is...

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

% of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Mergers & Acquisitions involving UK companies

This survey measures estimates of the value and numbers of mergers, acquisitions and disposals involving UK companies (inward, outward and domestic) with values of £1.0 million or greater. Only...

Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies

Latest data on domestic and overseas acquisitions, disposals and mergers. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Mergers...

Draft Playing Pitch Strategy 2017

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest

Number of domestic violence incidents involving arrest *This indicator has been discontinued

Annual returns for research involving human embryos

Annual return of data from centres who have research projects that involve the use of human embryos

Walking & Cycling Strategy

Proposed strategic Walking & Cycling Network identified in the Hastings Walking and Cycling Strategy May 2014. (adopted by Hastings Borough Council Cabinet on 9th June 2014). See the following...

Open Spaces Strategy

This dataset includes the Open Spaces Strategy 2016 as well as all relevant appendices. Barnet has a great collection of parks and open spaces and these are an important part of what makes Barnet a...

Children in Need with Open Involvements

Data showing Children in Need who have social work involvement by Ward. A child is a Child in Need if they are unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development without...

Seafront Regeneration Strategy

Strategy document for the regeneration of Sunderland seafront

Urban Design Strategy

Urban design strategy document for the Sunderland central area

Recorded Crime and Offences Involving Firearms, Scotland

Crimes and offences in which a firearm was alleged to have been used or stolen over the past decade at police force and Scotland level. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National...

England Biodiversity Strategy Indicators

This dataset has now been superseded by the records at: Publication of the England...

London Borough of Barnet Playing Pitch Strategy Update - 2021/22

The purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) is to provide a robust future action plan for sports facilities in Barnet. The outcomes arising from the assessment will inform the LBB...

Policies and Strategies

This dataset contains a list of all of Blaby District Council's Policies and Strategies, including links to the documents themselves. It will be updated on a quarterly basis.

Space spectrum strategy

This document, published 1 Mar 2016, sets out Ofcom's proposed space spectrum strategy, which covers the use of spectrum by the satellite and space science (including earth observation) sectors....