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        1,713 results found

        Administrative Boundaries - Partnership and Strategic Overview Teams

        Environment Agency Partnership and Strategic Overview teams understand and manage flood and coastal erosion risk by working flexibly with partners in ways that are good value and benefit...

        Local Nature Partnerships (England)

        Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) are a key Environment White Paper commitment. There are forty eight strategic partnerships consisting of a wide range of local organisations with members drawn from...

        Strategic Sites

        Strategic Sites as designated on the 2011 Proposals Map

        Civil partnerships

        Civil partnership formations by year and sex

        Neighbourhood Partnerships

        Neighbourhood Partnerships are made up of councillors, public agencies, community representatives, Police, NHS Lothian and the voluntary sector. The key focus of the Partnerships is to address...

        Strategic Open Space

        Land in Stockport designated as Strategic Open Space

        Strategic Industrial Land

        Strategic Industrial Land in the London Borough of Ealing

        Strategic Development Areas

        Strategic Development Areas as allocated within the Adopted Local Plan.

        Strategic Green Corridors

        Strategic green corridors as identified within the Adopted Local Plan.

        Strategic Sites

        Strategic sites are those where generally great change is envisaged. Each site has a specific land use allocation contained within the Core Strategy. The principles of development along with...

        Strategic Industrial Sites

        Dataset shows Strategic Industrial Locations within the London Borough of Lewisham

        Strategic Industrial Areas

        Shows strategic industrial areas in Hackney part of LDF evidence base.

        Strategic Industrial Sites

        Strategic Industrial Sites as identified in Consultation stages of Cherwell Local Plan.

        Better Business Partnership

        The Better Business Partnership (BBP) is the trusted trader scheme operating in Perth and Kinross. The aim is to help traders comply with the law while improving consumer protection through a...

        Strategic Development Sites

        Strategic Development Sites as identied within the Cherwell District Council Local Plan - 2014 Consultation.

        Highland Community Partnerships

        Highland Community Partnerships are a key part to increasing how we work together and more collaboratively with communities. Each Partnership in Highland is developing its own plan based on the...

        Highland Community Partnerships

        Highland Community Partnerships are a key part to increasing how we work together and more collaboratively with communities. Each Partnership in Highland is developing its own plan based on the...

        Strategic Industrial Locations

        Strategic Industrial Locations as identified in the East Staffordshire Borough Councils Adopted Local Plan 2012-2031.

        Strategic Cultural Areas

        Strategic cultural areas (SCA) or zones mapped as part of the Authority’s Local Development Framework

        Regional Resilience Partnerships

        Regional and Local Resilience Partnerships (RRPs/LRPs) are the principal mechanisms for multi-agency co-ordination under The Civil Contingencies Act (2004). They promote co-operation between...