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        260 results found

        Sound of Harris - Biotopes

        The Sound of Harris is a topographically complex marine area situated between North Uist and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. Very little is known of the marine biota of the area but it is likely to...

        Coastal Physiographic Features - Sound or Strait

        This is shapefile shows the coastal physiographic feature sound or strait in the UK. Primarily the This map is an excerpt from UKSeaMap. The majority of the polygons are Scottish sounds with...

        Plymouth Sound and Estuaries Substrate Map

        This dataset is a broad scale biotope map of Plymouth Sound. This map was produced as a result of a broad scale mapping survey of Plymouth Sound carried out in July 1996. A data review was also...

        Tranquillity & Place Wales Sound Environment Part 1 2023

        The nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource identifies the strategic and local resource in remote, rural, peri-urban and urban areas for use as an evidence base...

        Baseline survey of maerl beds in the Wyre Sound, Orkney: lifeforms map

        The baseline survey of the maerl beds in Wyre Sound, Rousay Sound and environs, Orkney Islands, took place as part of the Biomar project in collaboration with Scottish Natural Heritage. A detailed...

        2009 Plymouth Sound & Estuaries SAC seagrass diving survey

        Survey name: 2009 Plymouth Sound & Estuaries SAC seagrass diving survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes...

        Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: north east of Barra

        This map covers the area in the south of The Sound of Barra, at the northeastern corner of Barra (from Traigh Mhor to near Loch Obe). The Sound of Barra has been selected as a possible Special Area...

        2003 English Nature/ASM Plymouth Sound sublittoral survey

        Survey name: 2003 English Nature/ASM Plymouth Sound sublittoral survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary and...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Wyre Sound and Tingwall Maerl bed diver core survey

        Diver core survey undertaken at a Maerl beds in Wyre Sound and off Tingwall, Orkney by Heriot-Watt University for SNH on the 10th, 12th and 14th June 2015. Sampling was for the purpose of a...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Wyre Sound and Tingwall Maerl bed diver core survey

        Diver core survey undertaken at a Maerl beds in Wyre Sound and off Tingwall, Orkney by Heriot-Watt University for SNH on the 10th, 12th and 14th June 2015. Sampling was for the purpose of a...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Mull benthic camera survey

        Survey of benthic habitats within and Sound of Mull, which forms part of the Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura MPA. This survey was undertaken by SNH and Marine Scotland Science (MSS) for SNH on the...

        2016 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Mull benthic camera survey

        The primary aims of this benthic survey in the Sound of Mull, a region within the Loch Sunart and Sound of Jura MPA, were to monitor MPA management effectiveness and for contingency sampling to...

        2016 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Mull benthic camera survey

        The primary aims of this benthic survey in the Sound of Mull, a region within the Loch Sunart and Sound of Jura MPA, were to monitor MPA management effectiveness and for contingency sampling to...

        2015 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Mull benthic camera survey

        Survey of benthic habitats within and Sound of Mull, which forms part of the Loch Sunart to Sound of Jura MPA. This survey was undertaken by SNH and Marine Scotland Science (MSS) for SNH on the...

        2011-2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA) South Devon and Cornwall Blue Sound Snorkeling Surveys

        Blue sound snorklers recorded species that they found at locations around plymouth sound on a number of dates between 02/06/11-25/10/12

        2006 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Barra broad-scale mapping survey

        The purpose of this broad-scale mapping survey in the Sound of Barra and in the Sound of Eriskay in the vicinity of the causeway was to: extend the coverage of subtidal biotope mapping to encompass...

        2006 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Barra broad-scale mapping survey

        The purpose of this broad-scale mapping survey in the Sound of Barra and in the Sound of Eriskay in the vicinity of the causeway was to: extend the coverage of subtidal biotope mapping to encompass...

        Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: south east of South Uist

        This map covers the area in the north of The Sound of Barra, at the south-eastern end of South Uist. The Sound of Barrahas been selected as a possible Special Area of Conservation (pSAC) on the...

        Broadscale mapping of sublittoral habitats in the Sound of Barra: south west of South Uist

        This map covers the area in the north of The Sound of Barra, at the south-western end of South Uist.The Sound of Barra has been selected as a possible Special Area of Conservation (pSAC) on the...

        2018 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Sound of Barra benthic camera survey

        The primary aim of this benthic survey in the Sound of Barra, run by SNH and Marine Scotland Science (MSS) between 9th - 12th June 2018 using MSS vessel MRV Alba na Mara (cruise 0818A), was to...