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        Invertebrates identified in pitfall traps within diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

        The dataset contains abundances of invertebrates collected from pitfall traps within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located at the University of Reading’s Sonning Farm,...

        UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2021 v2

        Data was collected to look at long-term trends in invertebrate ground predators. This dataset consists of count data (by gender) for all species of spider collected from three habitats (mire,...

        UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) Cairngorm spider data 2004-2019

        [THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset consists of count data (by gender) for all species of spider collected from three habitats (mire, dwarf-shrub heath, pine woodland) at the Cairngorms...

        Invertebrate pests, natural enemies, pollinators, pest damage and yields associated with different understorey treatments in an agroforestry system, Nottinghamshire, UK, 2020

        This resource comprises abundance data for invertebrates, pest damage to apples, and yields from an agroforestry system subject to two different understorey management treatments, comprising an...

        2021 census first release

        On 28 June 2022 ONS released the first results from the 2011 Census of England and Wales comprising for each local authority the estimated population at census day (21 March 2021) and the number of...

        Dung beetle abundance data from a before-and-after El Niño experiment in the Brazilian Amazon

        This data set includes longitudinal abundance of dung beetles at dung-baited pitfall traps, recorded in 2010, 2016 and 2017 (around six years before, six months after and 18 months after the...

        Exploring how to measure social integration using digital and online data

        As part of the Mayor's Social Integration Strategy published in March 2018, one of the commitments was to develop a more comprehensive set of measures for social integration and to carry out...

        UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) carabid beetle data: 1992-2012

        [THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Carabid beetle data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. The count of individual species is recorded. These data are collected by...

        Natural enemies of crop pests in oilseed rape fields in relation to local plant diversity and landscape characteristics

        The number and type of natural enemies of crop pests found in winter-sown oilseed rape fields (Brassica napus L.) in relation to local plant diversity (in crop and field margin) and landscape...

        UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) carabid beetle data: 1992-2015

        Carabid beetle data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. The count of individual species is recorded. These data are collected by pitfall traps at all of ECN's...

        Socioecological data from smallholder oil palm plantations in Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia, 2021-2022

        This dataset includes results from biodiversity, social and environmental surveys of 46 oil palm smallholders and farms in Riau, Indonesia. Biodiversity data includes: pitfall trap data on...

        Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Jonkershoek, Cape Floristic Region South Africa

        This dataset describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from Jonkershoek...

        Impacts of Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) on seed dispersal services in Iberian Peninsula

        This data set describes the seed dispersal process of both invaded (presence of Linepithema humile) and non-invaded (absence of L. humile) ant communities. Data were collected from four field sites...