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GVA per hour (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

GVA per hour (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

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GVA per filled job (£) - Current Price (smoothed)

Electronic tag tracking data from starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias in the northeast Atlantic 2004-2018

The data is derived from the deployment of mark-recapture and electronic tags on starry smooth-hound (*Mustelus asterias*) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags were deployed throughout the...

Electronic tag tracking data from starry smooth-hound Mustelus asterias in the northeast Atlantic 2004-2018

The data is derived from the deployment of mark-recapture and electronic tags on starry smooth-hound (*Mustelus asterias*) in the North Sea and English Channel. Tags were deployed throughout the...

Age-specific fertility rates for London boroughs and borough groupings 2005-07

Raw and smoothed age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) for 2005-07; ie births to mothers aged x per resident population of women aged x, where x ranges from age 15 to 49.

2001 Castro-Longoria, E. Southampton Water Acartia tonsa records

Eggs produced by four Acartia species from the Solent-Southampton Water estuarine system were examined. Acartia tonsa produced two morphologically distinct types of eggs, which were identified as...

2001 Castro-Longoria, E. Southampton Water Acartia tonsa records

Eggs produced by four Acartia species from the Solent-Southampton Water estuarine system were examined. Acartia tonsa produced two morphologically distinct types of eggs, which were identified as...

BGS marine gravity and magnetic survey data from around the UK (1966 Onwards)

Corrected and smoothed and network adjusted ship gravity, magnetics and bathymetry data acquired by BGS as part of its Offshore Reconnaissance Mapping Programme. This programme was commenced in...

Cape Bank Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Acoustic Data - 2015

An acoustic survey took place at Cape Bank Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) in 2015. MBES bathymetry and backscatter data were acquired using the Kongsberg EM2040 system operated at 300 kHz and...

Quantitative sediment composition predictions for the north-west European continental shelf

Spatial predictions of the fractions of mud, sand and gravel as continuous response variables for the north-west European continental shelf. Mud, sand and gravel fractions range from 0-1 (i.e....

Quantitative sediment composition predictions for the north-west European continental shelf

Spatial predictions of the fractions of mud, sand and gravel as continuous response variables for the north-west European continental shelf. Mud, sand and gravel fractions range from 0-1 (i.e....

UK Biodiversity Indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C5, Birds of the wider countryside and at sea. Bird populations have long been considered to provide a good indication of the...

Seahorse species predicted habitat distributions and associated environmental data layers covering the shelf seas surrounding the UK

This dataset contains predicted seahorse habitat distributions for two species (*Hippocampus hippocampus *and *H. guttulatus*) and the genus combined (Hippocampus hippocampus MAXENT.asc,...

Experimental friction data for different grain size quartz gouges under different effective normal stresses (NERC Grant NE/P002943/1)

The data are from a suite of friction experiments performed on 3 different grain size quartz gouges (5, 15 and 30 microns). The quartz gouge layers were sheared under a range of effective normal...

Abundance of airborne pollen for nine grass species, measured by qPCR, UK, 2016-2017

The dataset contains abundance data of airborne pollen (including Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernal-grass), Arrhenatherum elatius (false oat-grass), Cynosurus cristatus (crested dog's-tail),...

Numerical model simulations of channel flow for the South Saskatchewan River, Canada

Datasets consists of the results of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow simulations for a section of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. The aim of these CFD simulations was to investigate...

AddressBase Premium

Our flagship address database, AddressBase® Premium gives you the most up to date, accurate information about addresses, properties and land areas. You'll be more efficient - making it easier and...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Oxyfuel and exhaust gas recirculation processes in gas turbine combustion for improved carbon capture performance

Conventional power generation in the UK faces a significant challenge in the face of decarbonising and maintaining a reliable, secure and cost effective electricity supply. The requirement for...

Map based index (GeoIndex) magnetic anomalies

This low-resolution image has been produced from BGS airborne and marine magnetic data. The colour was generated using the BGS COLMAP software package. Colour levels are defined by histogram...

Ensemble outputs from Ecosystem Service models for water supply, aboveground carbon storage and use of water, grazing, charcoal and firewood by beneficiaries in sub-Saharan Africa

This dataset contains the gridded estimates per 1 km2 for mean and median ensemble outputs from 4-6 individual ecosystem service models for Sub-Saharan Africa, for above ground Carbon stock,...