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        159 results found

        Incidence of all skin cancers (all)

        Cancer registrations for all skin cancers per 100,000 population. Directly standardised registration rate Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher:...

        Calls for Service - Cleansing

        Calls for Service - Cleansing *This indicator has been discontinued

        2016 - Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Skin metatranscriptomes of naïve rainbow trout showing Puffy Skin Disease (PSD) clinical signs after cohabitation with PSD-fish

        The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that Puffy Skin Disease (PSD) has an infectious aetiology, by undertaking a cohabitation experiment whereby naïve triploid and diploid rainbow...

        Camden Street and Open Space Cleansing Schedule

        This dataset contains a list of locations and what day of the week they are cleaned. A 1 indicates cleansing on that day, not the frequency of cleansing; a 2 or more indicates frequency.

        Cancer Registration: Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017)

        National Cancer Registration And Analysis Service (NCRAS). (2019). Epidemiology of skin cancer (C43x - C44x) tumours in England (1995 - 2017) [dataset]. Public Health England....

        Overall Public Realm Cleansing cases completed within (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        Overall Public Realm Cleansing cases completed within (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases completed within SLA (SLA set in 2016)

        Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases completed within SLA (SLA set in 2016)

        Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases dealt with that breached SLA (SLA set in 2016)

        Overall Public Realm Standard Cleansing cases dealt with that breached SLA (SLA set in 2016)

        STREET CLEANING - % of standard cleansing cases resolved within SLA (3 days) - (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        STREET CLEANING - % of standard cleansing cases resolved within SLA (3 days) - (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        STREET CLEANING - % of urgent cleansing cases resolved within SLA (2 hours) - (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        STREET CLEANING - % of urgent cleansing cases resolved within SLA (2 hours) - (YTD) (SLA set in 2016)

        Licensed Practitioner List

        Guildford Borough Council List of Practitioners Registered to carry out Acupuncture/Ear piercing/Body piercing/Semi-permanent Skin-Colouring/Tattooing/Electrolysis.

        Incidence of cancers (all)

        Cancer registrations for all cancers excluding skin cancers other than malignant melanoma Source: Regional Cancer Registries, Office for National Statistics (ONS). Publisher: Information Centre...

        Percentage of cancers detected at stage 1 and 2 (CCGOIS 1.18)

        The percentage of new cases of cancer which were diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 for the specific cancer sites, morphologies and behaviour: invasive malignancies of breast, prostate, colorectal, lung,...


        Description and condition of highway drainage gullies as captured by gully cleansing crews

        Tree Preservation Orders 2021

        Tree Preservation Order areas within the Sefton Council area. Data is currently undergoing cleansing.

        Litter bins

        This dataset comprises point data showing the locations of litter bins managed and emptied by Bristol City Council Street Cleansing teams.

        Hospital admissions: Summary statistics

        This dataset provides counts of Finished Admission Episodes (FAE) at MSOA level and higher geographies. The information covers the following specified diagnosis, cause and operative procedures: 1)...

        Hospital admissions: By age and gender

        This dataset provides counts of Finished Admission Episodes (FAE) broken down by age group (0-64 years and 65+ years) and sex at LA level and higher geographies. The information covers the...

        OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - NI Outline

        The OSNI Largescale NI Outline is a polygon dataset consisting of the land area of Northern Ireland. The data has been derived from OSNI Largescale and has been topologically cleansed and...

        OSNI Open Data - Largescale Boundaries - NI Outline

        The OSNI Largescale NI Outline is a polygon dataset consisting of the land area of Northern Ireland. The data has been derived from OSNI Largescale and has been topologically cleansed and...