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Destination Of Assets On Death (DAD)

Small sample of estates data breaking down estate value by type of beneficiary (e.g. spouse, child, grandchild, charity). Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2000/01

Destination Of Assets On Death (DAD)

Small sample of estates data breaking down estate value by type of beneficiary (e.g. spouse, child, grandchild, charity). Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2000/01

Destinations Survey 2011

The Destinations Survey 2011 is a one off survey of 9,000 customers who have left either Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support or Employment and Support Allowance. The survey includes information on...

Accessibility Destination Datasets

Excel datasets containing raw destination data for calculating Accessibility statistics. This gives the locations of the different services used within these calculations: Primary schools,...

Destinations of leavers from Higher Education in the UK

Statistics on Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education courses include data for the UK, as well as for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland separately, and show the first destinations...

NI 168 - Proportion of principal roads where maintenance should be considered

The indicator measures the percentage of the local authority's A-road and M-road network where maintenance should be considered. Source: Local Highway Authority / Department for Transport...

NI 168 - Proportion of principal roads where maintenance should be considered

The indicator measures the percentage of the local authority's A-road and M-road network where maintenance should be considered.

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (Northern Ireland)

This bulletin provides details of the destinations of leavers from Higher Education who obtained qualifications in Northern Ireland (NI) Higher Educations institutions and NI domiciled leavers...

School Destinations of Secondary School Pupils Resident in London Boroughs

Statistics on cross border movement of secondary pupils in London are published in the statistical bulletin "School Destinations of Secondary School Pupils Resident in London Boroughs. Source...

Destinations of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 pupils

Education destination measures will show the percentage of students progressing to further learning in a school, further education or 6th form college, apprenticeship or higher education...

NI 169 - Proportion of non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered

The indicator measures the percentage of the local authority's B-road and C-road network where maintenance should be considered. Source: Local Highway Authority / Department for Transport...

NI 169 - Proportion of non-principal classified roads where maintenance should be considered

The indicator measures the percentage of the local authority's B-road and C-road network where maintenance should be considered.

School destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London Local Authorities

Several datasets on pupil residence and school destinations for London Boroughs. Includes LA Destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London, cross border movement of secondary school...

Destinations of Leavers from UK Higher Education Institutions: Northern Ireland Analysis

These statistical bulletins provide details of the destinations of leavers from Higher Education who obtained qualifications in Northern Ireland (NI) Higher Educations institutions and NI domiciled...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (NHSOF 3a)

The indicator measures the number of emergency admissions to hospital in England for acute conditions such as ear/nose/throat infections, kidney/urinary tract infections and angina, among others,...

Emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission (CCGOIS 3.1)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for emergency admissions for acute conditions that should not usually require hospital admission per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence...

Exports by destination country in 2008

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains the number of exports by destination country in 2008 Attribution statement: © Rural Payments Agency

% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)

% of Unclassified roads where maintenance should be considered (old BV224b)

NI 061 - Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption

This indicator provides an indication of how quickly children are placed with an approved prospective adopter(s) following the decision that they should be placed for adoption Source: Statutory...

NI 061 - Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption

This indicator provides an indication of how quickly children are placed with an approved prospective adopter(s) following the decision that they should be placed for adoption