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        Spreadsheet of Core and Cuttings held by GSNI

        Spreadsheet listing a number of boreholes from Northern Ireland and the samples (core and cuttings) held in the GSNI core archive. Additional data associated with these wells are also noted and...

        FSA Approved Cutting Plants in England, Wales & Northern Ireland, Authorised for Specified Risk Material (SRM) Removal

        Under the domestic TSE Regulations, SRM which is vertebral column from over thirty month bovine carcasses must only be removed in a cutting plant which is authorised by the FSA for this activity....

        Hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data for The Cut, Berkshire (2010-2012)

        This data set comprises of hourly physical and nutrient monitoring data of The Cut at Bray Marina (National grid reference SU915786), from May 2010 to February 2012. Parameters measured are total...

        Plant community basal data from a hedgerow cutting experiment in England, 2016

        This dataset contains plant community data from a hedgerow experiment investigating the effects of cutting regimes on plant species richness. There were four sites, one in Buckinghamshire, two in...

        Methane and CO2 gas concentrations and stable isotope analyses of select cuttings samples from GGA05 and GGA08 boreholes

        IDA272269 Methane and CO2 gas concentrations and stable isotope analyses of cutting samples from GGA05 and GGA08 boreholes of the Glasgow UKGEOS facility. Cutting samples were collected...

        Moth community and parasitoid data from a hedgerow cutting regime experiment in Cambridgeshire, England, 2011

        This dataset contains moth species, parasitoid and resource provisioning data from a hedgerow experiment investigating the long-term effects of timing and frequency of cutting on resource provision...

        Honour-Based Violence

        This contains data provided by police forces and used in the HMIC report ‘The depths of dishonour: Hidden voices and shameful crimes – An inspection of the police response to honour-based violence,...

        Carbon and nitrogen flux, meteorological, management and soil data from a grazed, cut and fertilised temperate grassland in south east Scotland

        This dataset contains measured daily values of precipitation, air and soil temperature, soil water content, measured net ecosystem exchange (NEE) fluxes using eddy covariance, calculated gross...

        Mechanical properties of saw-cut Westerly Granite during injection from a borehole in a laboratory sample (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

        This dataset is used and fully described/interpreted in the paper: Passelegue, F. X., N. Brantut, T. M. Mitchell, Fault reactivation by fluid injection: Controls from stress state and injection...

        CDT Casework Database

        The CDT casework database records all positive and Sub Cut Off results for Army personnel. Personnel are identified by service No, Rank, name, DOB and unit. The database offers an auditable...

        Tree Preservation Orders

        This dataset shows the location of Tree Preservation Orders in the Borough of Telford and Wrekin, A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an Order made by Telford and Wrekin Council and can apply to a...

        Protected Trees

        This dataset shows the location of Tree Preservation Orders in the City of London, A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an Order made by the City of London and can apply to a single tree, a group of...

        FSA Audits of Approved Meat Establishments

        FSA audits of approved meat establishments (slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game handling establishments) in Britain

        Tree Preservation Orders

        Location of Tree Preservation Orders in tLondon Borough of Hounslow. A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) applies to an individual tree, a cluster of trees or a woodland. A TPO grants legal protection...

        Index To Onshore Borehole Collection.

        Index to borehole material held chiefly as continuous drillcore, bulk samples, unwashed cuttings and processed material from onshore UK.

        Influence of Jasmonic acid on the response of pasture to ozone

        The data are biomass and ozone-injury data for white clover (Trifolium repens). Dataset concerns a 2014 study on the effects of Jasmonic acid/cutting in modulating the response of clover to ozone....

        Secondary school allocations

        This dataset shows the priority cut off distances for all secondary schools that either follow the LA Admissions Policy because they are a Community Controlled School or are their own admitting...

        Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)

        A TPO is a legal document made, administered and enforced by us as the local planning authority. It protects specified trees and woodlands, and prevents cutting down, uprooting, topping, lopping,...

        Allerdale Grounds Maintenance Data

        Grounds Maintenance Ares recorded as polygon extents to show areas to be maintained by Allerdale Contractors for grass cutting, shrub and flower horticulture maintenance.

        Tree Preservation Orders

        A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the:...