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Water resource reliability

The Resource Reliability data indicates the percentage of time additional consumptive abstraction may be available and what this means for abstraction licensing. The Resource Reliability data...

Reliability of journeys on Highways Agency roads

This release presents provisional information about the reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency roads. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency's motorway and 'A' road network

This release presents provisional information about the reliability of journeys on the startegic road network. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Water Resource Availability and Abstraction Reliability Cycle 2

This record is for Approval for Access (AfA) product AfA445. The Water Resource Availability and Abstraction Reliability Cycle 2 dataset indicates whether, and for what percentage of time,...

% of people who have completed IAPT treatment who achieved "reliable improvement" - (VoY CCG)

% of people who have completed IAPT treatment who achieved "reliable improvement" - (VoY CCG) *This indicator has been discontinued

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable deterioration following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11c)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably deteriorate after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals An issue has been...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable recovery following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11a)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably recover after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Percentage of referrals to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services which indicated a reliable improvement following completion of treatment (CCGOIS 2.11b)

The proportion of referrals to IAPT services that reliably improve after finishing a course of treatment, expressed as a percentage, with 95% confidence intervals. Due to current methodological...

Reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency's motorway and A road network

Monthly release presenting average vehicle delay experienced on the slowest ten per cent of journeys on inter-urban roads in England. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

Site Allocations

This dataset consists of the boundaries of all site allocations within the London Borough of Sutton which have been formally designated in the adopted Site Development Policies Development Plan...

Bring sites

A dataset providing the locations of all bring sites in Leeds.  This dataset also shows the amount of glass collected at each site each month from April 2016. Bring sites are smaller recycling...


Polygon feature which represents the recognisable extent of certain types of function or activity. Examples include a caravan site, a university, and a railway centre.

Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record

In order to be able to carry out its many functions, Cornwall Council has compiled an encyclopaedic archive of information on the historic environment of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The...

Site Allocations

Sites have been allocated as part of the planning process to make sure Tower Hamlets has the infrastructure needed to support the anticipated level of growth set out in the Core Strategy,...

Ramsar Sites

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. Sites proposed for selection are advised by the UK statutory nature conservation agencies, or the...

NSI Site

The National Soil Inventory (NSI) site data is a spatial, point dataset with 6127 points, located in a 5km grid across England and Wales. NSI site provides a in depth description of the general...

Hyndburn Borough Council Allotment Sites ( outlines)

Approximate whole site boundaries for Statutory Allotment Sites in Hyndburn. There are a few sites with extra non-statutory sites added within the boundary. The sites are subject to revision...

UKCCSRC Call 2 Project: Quantifying Residual and Dissolution Trapping in the CO2CRC Otway Injection Site

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a promising means of directly lowering CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion. However, concerns about the possibility of CO2 leakage are contributing to slow...

Optical Sites

Optical Sites Contains: Optical Site data. This information has been collated by the ODS using data supplied directly by the Optical sector.

Permitted Waste Sites - Authorised Landfill Site Boundaries

The Permitted Waste Sites - Authorised Landfill Site Boundaries is a polygon dataset that contains the boundaries of landfill sites that are currently authorised by the Environment Agency under...