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        735 results found

        TSP 9: UK Regular Forces Rank Structure

        UK regular forces strengths by rank Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 9

        Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

        Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Deaths in Armed Forces

        Time intervals for criminal proceedings: Adults

        Time intervals for criminal proceedings in Magistrates' courts: Timeliness targets (charge to completion)- Adult court cases Source: Criminal Justice Service, Department for Constitutional Affairs...

        Time intervals for criminal proceedings: Children

        Time intervals for criminal proceedings in Magistrates' courts: Timeliness targets (charge to completion)-Youth court cases Source: Criminal Justice Service, Department for Constitutional Affairs...

        TSP 10: UK Regular Forces Stationed Location

        This publication is now called the Quarterly Location Statistics – UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel and it will be released under its new name. Source agency: Defence Designation:...

        TSP 8: Age Distribution of UK Regular Forces

        UK regular forces strengths by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 8

        TSP 1: UK Regular Forces Strengths and Changes

        Strengths of, and intake and outflow to/ from, the UK regular forces, including breakdowns by gender. Please note that this publication is no longer published, following consultation. Details can...

        TSP 19: UK Regular Forces Intake and Outflow by Age

        Intake and outflow to/ from UK regular forces by age Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: TSP 19

        Suicide and Open Verdict Deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces

        Statistics on suicide and open verdict deaths in the UK Regular Armed Forces Source agency: Defence Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Suicide & Open...

        NDFA Interval Review: July 2014-March 2021

        The National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) Interval Review is the 6th NDFA report. The National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA) is a continuous audit of diabetic foot disease in England and...

        TSP 5: UK Regular Forces Outflow from Trained Strength to Civil Life

        Outflow from trained strength from UK regular forces. Please note that this publication is no longer produced following consultation. Details can be found on the DASA website by following the link...

        Hampshire Avon: Dissolved oxygen data collected at one minute intervals from five river reaches

        This dataset contains instream dissolved oxygen data collected continuously at one minute intervals for five sites in the Hampshire Avon catchment in the United Kingdom. Data were collected between...

        Magistrates’ Courts Time Intervals Survey, England and Wales

        The quarterly release presents results from a one-week survey of criminal cases completed in magistrates' courts in England and Wales. The publication contains estimates of the average time between...

        Time Intervals for Criminal Proceedings in Magistates' Courts

        Quarterly survey of magistrates' courts cases

        Other regular and ad hoc consumer and business surveys

        VisitEngland publish results from its ongoing programme of market research whenever these are felt to be relevant to the wider tourism industry. Most of these surveys are published at...

        Coastal Design Sea Levels- Coastal Flood Boundary Confidence Intervals

        PLEASE NOTE: The Coastal Design Sea Levels – Coastal Flood Boundary datasets currently show data published in February 2011. An update to the data is currently planned for August 2019. This...

        Quarterly Location Statistics – UK Regular Armed Forces and Civilian Personnel

        From April 2013, the release of this publication will not be announced on the Statistics Publication Hub in line with the new MOD policy of only announcing National Statistics on the Hub. Please...

        Species point records from 1993 MNCR/AES Blyth to Flamborough Head sublittoral sediment survey

        Replicate Day grab samples taken at regular intervals.

        Habitat point records from 1993 MNCR/AES Blyth to Flamborough Head sublittoral sediment survey

        Replicate Day grab samples taken at regular intervals.

        GEBCO Grid Global terrain model for oceans and land at 30 arc-second intervals produced by General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO)

        The GEBCO Grid is a global terrain model for oceans and land at 30 arc-second intervals which was developed and first released in 2009 by the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) as...