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565 results found

BDB: Regional Presence

Administrative information relating to business operations.

Presence and environmental data for the non-native common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) in England, 2016-2018

The datasets contains species presence and background points, and their associated environmental data for non-native common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis). These data are included for local and...

Ichological presence/absence data from the Pliensbachian of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) borehole (NERC Grant NE/N018508/1)

Binary presence/absence of ichnotaxa and lamination from the Pliensbachian of the Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) borehole, Wales, together with a summary of runs tests from the same dataset. Used as basis...

Broadscale remote survey and mapping of the sublittoral habitats and biota of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and the north Norfolk coasts - lifeforms and species presence

Sublittoral lifeforms and species presence map of the Wash, and the Lincolnshire and north Norfolk coasts. This survey was one of three trial areas chosen for the Broadscale Mapping Project. The...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Benthic Genera Presence and Absence in the North Sea from 1990 to 2011

Distribution data for benthic genera in the North Sea, covering a 22-year timespan from 1990 to 2011. This data accompanies the manuscript “Capturing threshold responses of marine benthos along...

Soil respiration, leaf litter decomposition and root morphotyping in the absence and presence of tree roots at two locations in the UK, October-November 2023

[This dataset is embargoed until November 30, 2025]. The data encompass measurements in soil and litter, including leaf litter decomposition, soil respiration, and root morphology analysis in the...

Modelled projections of coral species presences/absences at reef locations worldwide, under warming and acidification

Global projection of coral species with suitable/non-suitable habitat at coral reef locations around the world until the end of the century, derived from environmental niche modelling. The...

Aragonite precipitation rates from seawater at 25°C and ΩAr = 11.4 in the presence and absence of amino acids and short peptides

Aragonite precipitations rates of precipitations from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Aragonite precipitation...

The full width half maxima (FWHM) of the ν1 peak in the aragonite spectrum by Raman spectroscopy of aragonite precipitated in vitro in the presence and absence of biomolecules.

FWHM of aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Data were collected to determine...

Goodwin Sands Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2014

**CEND0114** Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 15 grab samples collected at Goodwin Sands Marine Conservation Zone between the 25 and 18th January...

Coquet to St Marys Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) survey - Infauna Data - 2016

Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 76 grab Day Grab samples collected at Coquet to St Marys in April 2016 Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna...

Brownfield Sites

Brownfield sites are any previously developed land that is not currently in use that has the potential for being redeveloped. It is often (but not always) land that has been used for industrial and...

Brownfield Sites 2019

Brownfield sites are any previously developed land that is not currently in use that has the potential for being redeveloped. It is often (but not always) land that has been used for industrial and...

Data accompanying ‘Microstructural controls on thermal crack damage and the presence of a temperature-memory effect during cyclic thermal stressing of rocks’ submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters (NERC Grant NE/N002938/1)

Acoustic emissions (AE) and ultrasonic wave velocity data recorded during a series of high temperature thermal cracking experiments by Daoud et al., in the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of the...

Listed Buildings pai

A large scale, polygonised dataset indicating the presence of a listed building within West Dorset.

Listed Buildings pai

A large scale, polygonised dataset indicating the presence of a listed building within West Dorset.

GM Machinery

Adventitious Genetically Modified (GM) presence arising through use of shared farming machinery, transport and storage equipment

North West of Jones Bank Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2012

**NWJB_ITT_06_2012** Counts and presence/absence of species of macrofauna identified from 36 grab samples collected at North West of Jones Bank Marine Conservation Zone between the 19th Feb and...

The amino acid composition of 20 aragonite samples precipitated in vitro in the presence and absence of amino acid (aspartic acid and glycine, separately and in combination), the dipeptide glycyl-L-aspartic acid and tetra-aspartic acid.

Amino acid compositions of aragonite samples precipitated from seawater, using a pH stat titrator using the constant composition technique between September 2021 and December 2022. Samples were...