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66 results found

Woodland predation shadow for waders

The data describes the potential area of impact of ‘significant’ areas of woodland upon breeding wading birds due to the predation shadow associated with the woodland. The purpose is to support...

Polyphagous predator database

Results of field studies on the impact of the insecticide Dimethoate on populations of polyphagous predators in winter wheat fields in England.

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Capercaillie

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

FGS Target Area - Predator Control for Black Grouse

This dataset is derived from data supplied the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and is based on information from the BTO Bird Atlas 2007-11. Scottish Forestry would like to thanks BTO for their...

Assessment of potential predators of plaice eggs and larvae in the Irish Sea

Data on fish counts, lengths and stomach contents analysis from fish caught in the Irish Sea in 2008 and 2009 to investigate the potential predators of plaice eggs. Also included are station data...

Mealworm predation rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia

Data comprise mealworm predation rates measured after 24 hours exposure to invertebrates in mature oil palm (2014), and mature and replanted oil palm (2016-2017) plots as part of a large-scale...

Wader Zonal Map

The Wader Zonal Map – a.k.a. Wader Sensitivity Map (WSM) and Breeding Wader Sensitivity Map – was produced by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in partnership with the Forestry Commission and...

Sunflower seed predation rates in Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Tropical Agriculture (BEFTA) plots, Kandista and Ujun Tanjung estates, Indonesia

Data comprise sunflower seed predation rates (i.e. number of seeds remaining) after 24 hours under different treatments in eighteen experimental plots plots established in 2013 as part of the...

Trophic interaction data and taxonomic information for fish predators and their prey spanning the North East Atlantic and its marginal seas between 1836-2013

Taxonomic information and the diet matrix for fish species-size-classes (rows) and their prey (columns) used to produce feeding guilds via cluster analysis for Thompson et al. (2020) ‘A feeding...

Trophic interaction data and taxonomic information for fish predators and their prey spanning the North East Atlantic and its marginal seas between 1836-2013

Taxonomic information and the diet matrix for fish species-size-classes (rows) and their prey (columns) used to produce feeding guilds via cluster analysis for Thompson et al. (2020) ‘A feeding...

2005 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA6 Technical Report - Cephalopods - An Overview of Cephalopods Relevant to the SEA 6 Area (Irish Sea)

This report is a contribution to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA6) conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change). Cephalopods are...

2012-2013 University of Southampton Poole Harbour Crassostrea gigas transect and settlement panel records

The work carried out so far highlights Poole Harbour as being an anomaly in the apparent steady progressive development of Pacific oyster populations around the coast, in that there is an obvious...

FGS SMF Species Conservation

Scotland’s woodlands and forests are a vital national resource and play an important role in rural development and sustainable land use. As well as helping to reduce the impacts of climate change...

North Sea whiting 2006/07 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To investigate stomach contents of North Sea whiting to determine their diet, and any possible changes to that diet since the last large-scale stomach survey in 1991. The project will...

Fish stomach contents data 1893 - 2012

In recent years considerable emphasis has been placed on finding 'ecosystem-based' approaches to fisheries management and multispecies models are seen as crucial for addressing this new agenda....

DAPSTOM Fish Stomach Data - 1836 to Present

DAPSTOM (integrated database and portal for fish stomach records) is an ongoing initiative (supported by Defra and the EU) to digitise and make available fish stomach content records spanning the...

Fish stomach contents data 1893 - 2012

In recent years considerable emphasis has been placed on finding 'ecosystem-based' approaches to fisheries management and multispecies models are seen as crucial for addressing this new agenda....

Integrated Database and Portal for Fish Stomach Records (DAPSTOM)

In recent years considerable emphasis has been placed on finding 'ecosystem-based' approaches to fisheries management and multispecies models are seen as crucial for addressing this new agenda....

UK Biodiversity Indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator D1a, Fish size classes in the North Sea. Change in relative abundance of large fishes is likely to affect marine ecosystems...

West Central North Sea Plankton Survey - RV Corella 06/76

Fifth in a series of 12 cruises in 1976 to investigate the distribution and abundance of planktonic fish eggs and larvae, zooplankton predators and competitors and phytoplankton. Plankton samples...