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        2,637 results found

        NI 110 Young peoples participation in positive activities

        The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher:...

        NI 110 - Young peoples participation in positive activities

        The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one...

        Covid-19 - Leicester Testing and Positivity (%)

        Number of people in Leicester tested for Covid-19 (PCR tests only) in previous seven days by specimen date and 7 day Covid-19 positivity (%).

        HMRC People Survey results

        People survey results showing HMRC’s employee engagement index. The 2013 survey is HMRC’s fifth annual Civil Service People Survey. HMRC’s engagement index has increased by a rounded 3% (from...

        The International Investment Position

        The UK's international investment position can be viewed as the balance sheet recording the UK's stock (or level) of foreign financial assets and liabilities at a specific point in time. The net...

        Applications by Position applied for

        A list of all Position applied for fields on AccessNI applications including numbers

        Older People

        This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to older people’s health in Camden.

        Older People

        This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to older people’s health in Camden.

        Young People

        This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to young people’s health in Camden.

        Civil Service People Survey 2010

        The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2010 325,000 Civil Servants across 103 organisations...

        Supporting People

        Supporting People Quarterly Client Records and Outcomes Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language:...

        Civil Service People Survey 2012

        The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2012 297,318 Civil Servants across 97 organisations...

        Staff Count - People (Directorates)

        This is the number of individual people working in each directorate within the Council. For the total number of people working for the Council, see [Staff count- total number of...

        Civil Service People Survey 2011

        The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2011 299,410 Civil Servants across 97 organisations...

        Young people in work

        A short story explaining the characteristics of employed people aged 16 to 24. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

        Civil Service People Survey 2014

        The Civil Service People Survey (CSPS) is an annual survey open to all Civil Servants and those that work for Civil Service organisations. In 2014 274,080 Civil Servants across 101 organisations...

        Potato Cyst Nematode Surveillance - Positive Results Summary 2015

        This dataset provides information on Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) surveillance, Positive Results Summary, during 2015. The dataset is broken down by region, and includes the fields: PCN+ve (positive...

        Potato Cyst Nematode Surveillance - Positive Results Summary 2011

        This dataset provides information on Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) surveillance, Positive Results Summary, during 2011. The dataset is broken down by region, and includes the fields: PCN+ve (positive...

        Potato Cyst Nematode Surveillance - Positive Results Summary 2013

        This dataset provides information on Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) surveillance, Positive Results Summary, during 2013. The dataset is broken down by region, and includes the fields: PCN+ve (positive...

        Potato Cyst Nematode Surveillance - Positive Results Summary 2014

        This dataset provides information on Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN) surveillance, Positive Results Summary, during 2014. The dataset is broken down by region, and includes the fields: PCN+ve (positive...