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163 results found

The cost of poor housing to the NHS

In 2010 the Building Research Establishment (BRE) Trust published the results of a research project which sought to quantify the cost of people living in poor housing in England to the National...

ID 2007 Housing in Poor Condition indicator

These data represent a modelled probability that any given dwelling in the LSOA fails to meet the ODPM Decent Homes Standard Source: Communities and Local Government (CLG): ID 2007 Publisher:...

ID 2004 Housing in Poor Condition indicator

These data represent a modelled probability that any given dwelling in the LSOA fails to meet the ODPM Decent Homes Standard Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher:...

% of ROAD and pathway network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Roadways

% of ROAD and pathway network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Roadways *This indicator has been discontinued

% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Pathways

% of road and PATHWAY network that are grade 4 and below (poor and below) - Pathways *This indicator has been discontinued

% of the panel reporting a ‘poor’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

% of the panel reporting a ‘poor’ experience when they last contacted the council about a service

Parental Responsibility Measures, Attendance Census

The Parental Responsibility Measures Attendance Census is a mandatory data collection for all 152 local authorities in England in respect of their use of penalty notices, parenting contracts and...

Index of Deprivation 2004 - Health Domain

ID 2004 Health Deprivation and Disability Domain (high rates of premature death, poor health or disability) Source: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM): ID 2004 Publisher: Communities and...

Health risks of bathing waters: Links between gastrointestinal illness and marine bathing

The 2006/7/EC European Bathing Directive stipulates water quality classification standards for recreational bathing waters based on specified limits for Faecal Indicator Organisms (FIOs). Presence...

t-Group viruses groundwater urban poor settlements Sub-Sahara Africa (NERC Grant NE/M008045/1)

In this study data were collected from viruses in groundwater from urban poor settlements in Arusha, Tanzania, Dodowa (Accra), Ghana, and Kampala, Uganda. The published Open Access paper can be...

Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index 2007

The Index of Multiple Deprivation, which was produced at LSOA level in 2007 and 2004, combines seven distinct domains of deprivation together to give an overall impression of the level of...

IMD Living Environment Deprivation Domain 2007

The Index of Multiple Deprivation, which was produced at LSOA level in 2007 and 2004, combines seven distinct domains of deprivation together to give an overall impression of the level of...

Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT)

PEAT (Patient Environment Action Team) was introduced in April 2001 as a direct response to the NHS Plan. Under the programme, every NHS inpatient healthcare facility in England with more than ten...

Species point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Habitat point records from 1988 MNCR Eigg survey

Five sites were investigated during this small opportunistic survey. All sites were within the confines of the Bay of Laig on the north-west coast of Eigg. In all cases the seabed was composed of a...

Species point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Inchard littoral survey

9 sites in Loch Inchard form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. Littoral substrata and communities are described, and species lists appended. It is a narrow, sheltered...

Habitat point records from 1974 University of Dundee Loch Inchard littoral survey

9 sites in Loch Inchard form the basis of brief descriptions of the littoral fauna and flora. Littoral substrata and communities are described, and species lists appended. It is a narrow, sheltered...

Seed production and seedling survival in a stand of Corsican pine in Southern Britain

There is much literature on natural regeneration which emphasizes the importance of good seed year, but few authors consider seed input in terms of the combination of seed quantity (i.e. number of...

Footway Condition Survey 2016

Gaist carried out a detail video survey of the council adopted highway network. The 2016 survey was utilised to assess the condition of all parts of the network and recorded five condition...

Road Condition Survey 2016

Gaist carried out a detail video survey of the council adopted highway network. The 2016 survey was utilised to assess the condition of all parts of the network and recorded five condition...