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Management Plans

Management Plans provide a simpler alternative to Forest Plans for woodlands under 100 hectares. They are required as part of the eligibility criteria for SRDP grants. However no grant payments...

Planning applications

Dataset showing completed planning applications. This dataset includes the property address the application relates to, type of application and outcome. Please refer to guidance document for...

S106 Planning Obligations

Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 allows a local planning authority to enter into a legally binding agreement or planning obligation with a land developer over a related issue....

Local Development Plans - Scotland

This metadata record refers to the polygon dataset. The point and polyline datasets are obsolete prototypes, for the moment, and this record will be corrected as these datasets are...

Ashfield Planning Applications 2014

List of planning applications recieved by Ashfield District Council in 2014 with reference number, decisions, description & location.

Ashfield Planning Applications 1974 - 2020

Historic planning applications in the district of Ashfield released under the LG Open Data Incentive Scheme. Data shows planning reference, date, location, description, decision date and decision.

RDC Forest Plans

Forest Plans aim to deliver long-term environmental benefits through sustainable forest management and consists of a strategic plan describing the major forest operations over a 20 year period. ...

SFGS Forest Plans

Description: Forest Plans were introduced for landowners planning to carry out felling, restocking and thinning in their woodlands over a 20 year period. The Forestry Commission (now Scottish...

Land Use Planning

Information is held relating to: Pre Planning Applications, Formal Planning Applications, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) All within the Consultation Zones for Major Hazards...

Local Plan Allocated Housing Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Allocated Housing Sites. The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the Borough until 2037. Table fields...

Local Plan Allocated Employment Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Allocated Employment Sites. The Local Plan sets out the vision and framework for the future development of the Borough until 2037. Table fields...

FGS Long Term Forest Plan

This option aims to provide support for the creation of a long-term forest plan that sets out the management objectives for private woodlands. This is for the long-term management of woodlands...

Draft Sheffield Local Plan

We are working on a new draft Sheffield Local Plan that will guide the future of the city by setting out how and where development will take place up to 2039. We are calling it the ‘Sheffield Plan’...

Local Plan Safeguarded Housing Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Safeguarded Housing Sites for a balanced and better future. Table fields include site reference and site name.

Local Plan Safeguarded Employment Site

Polygon data showing the location of our Local Plan Safeguarded Employment Sites for a balanced and better future. Table fields include site reference and site name.

Business Plan/Command Plan

Business Plan/Command Plan

Allerdale Planning Application 1974 to 2000

Planning Applications for Allerdale Borough Council development area (excluding LDNPA) as captured from historical plotting sheets or from original applications. Refers to applications between 1974...

MMO1073 Planned Dredging Campaigns

This dataset details the planned maintenance and capital dredging campaigns in the South marine plan area from 2014 onwards. The records have been digitised from information taken from the MMO 1073...

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Mixed Use

North Lincolnshire Council Local Development Plans - Mixed Use represented as polygons digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

UK Frequency Allocation Plan

The data is in JSON format and is used to populate Ofcom’s UKFAT. The UK FAT details the uses to which various frequency bands are put in the UK (referred to as 'allocations') and which bodies are...