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LA budget spend on older person's services

LA budget spend on older person's services

Personal Social Services: Expenditure and Unit Costs, England

This summary provides information about the money spent on adult social care by the social services departments of Councils with Adult Social Services Responsibilities (CASSRs) in England. It...

Peterborough City Council - Budget spend on older person services

Peterborough City Council budget spend on older person's services

Probation statistics: persons supervised by the probation service

Persons supervised by the Probation Service Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic coverage: England and Wales Time...

Personal Social Services: Staff of Social Services Departments, England

This report contains information on staff employed (directly and indirectly) by adult social services departments in England as at 30 September each year. It will be of interest to central...

Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey, England

The Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey is an annual survey for England that has taken place since 2010-11. Service users were sent questionnaires, issued by Councils with Adult...

General and Personal Medical Services, England

A detailed view of the General Practice workforce including GPs by type and practice staff. The general practice census is collected each year and records numbers and details of GPs in England...

People supported through personal budgets or direct payments receiving community-based services (%) (ADASS Survey definition)

People supported through personal budgets or direct payments receiving community-based services (%) (ADASS Survey definition) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates...

MMO1064 Personal Watercraft Model Web Mapping Service (WMS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Personal Watercraft activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a...

MMO1064 Personal Watercraft Model Web Feature Service (WFS)

This model output illustrates the potential for Personal Watercraft activity in English waters as part of the MMO1064 marine recreation modelling project. The purpose of this study was to develop a...

Personal Wealth

This publication contains information about Identified Personal Wealth in the UK, i.e. wealth based on the assets (including land and buildings, cash, bank and building society accounts and...

Young Person’s Guarantee: Future Jobs Fund

From January 2012, only the separate Young Person's Guarantee annexe on FJF participant outcome statistics will be updated. The final publication covering statistics on Future Jobs Fund, Community...

Peterborough - LA budget spend on older person's services

Dataset detail the Peterborough Local Authority spend on older people's' services between 2009 and 2013

Peterborough - LA budget spend on older person's services

Dataset detail the Peterborough Local Authority spend on older people's' services between 2009 and 2013

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) Death In Service & Personal Cash Information

Details of deceased personnel including personal cash paid to next-of-kin.

Personal Pensions Schemes

Data on personal pensions

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Personal Social Services Survey of Adult Carers in England

This is a biennial survey, undertaken by councils in which carers’ thoughts and opinions were sought on a number of topics that are considered to be indicative of a balanced life alongside their...