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966 results found

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Disposal of Office furniture awards

Awards to suppliers for the sustainable removals and disposals of surplus office furniture since April 2009. Updated: ad hoc.

Disposal of Office furniture awards

Awards to suppliers for the sustainable removals and disposals of surplus office furniture since April 2009. Updated: ad hoc.

Street Furniture

For further information about streets, roads and pavements - see the [City of York Council website]( *Please note that the data published within...

Cemetery Furniture


Personal Wealth

This publication contains information about Identified Personal Wealth in the UK, i.e. wealth based on the assets (including land and buildings, cash, bank and building society accounts and...

Personal Details

Records of name, Emergency contacts, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, home address, phone number, marital status, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability

Prescribed Person

Summarised and anonymised details of disclosures made to the FSA as a Prescribed Person under public interest disclosure legislation. The FSA’s main objective is to protect public health from risks...

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Personal Pensions Schemes

Data on personal pensions

Personal Tax Model

Data on personal incomes and modelled income tax and national insurance liabilities based on base and projected Survey of Personal Incomes (SPI) data. Updated: annually. Data coverage: 1999-00 to...

Council Street Furniture

Location of Street Furniture that Barrow Borough Council has responsibility for. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms...

Streetlights and Street Furniture

Point locations of streetlights and other street furniture such as bollards, signs and Zebra Crossings.

Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Data on Personal Equity Plans (PEP)

Street Furniture - Unresolved Incidents

This dataset contains __current unresolved__ street furniture incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from December 2019 onwards. Please...

Street Furniture - All Incidents

This dataset contains __all__ street furniture incidents in York recorded in City of York Council’s customer relationship management (CRM) tool from December 2019 onwards. Please note the dataset...

Street Furniture - Scotland

In November 2004, Audit Scotland published a document entitled ‘Maintaining Scotland’s Roads’, effectively introducing a requirement on local authorities in Scotland to produce a Roads Asset...

Street Furniture - Clackmannanshire

In November 2004, Audit Scotland published a document entitled "Maintaining Scotland's Roads", effectively introducing a requirement on local authorities in Scotland to produce a Roads Asset...

Dangerous Persons Database

UK-wide system used to store and share information and intelligence on those individuals who have been identified as posing a risk of serious harm to the public.

Personal Independence Payment

Personal Independence Payment was introduced in April 2013 and has started to replace Disability Living Allowance for disabled people aged 16 to 64. The information recorded includes Name, National...