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2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats For Camden - 1st Analysis

First analysis of findings from 2011 Census Key Statistics and Quick Statistics tables

2011 Census Key Stats & Quick Stats For Camden - 1st Analysis

First analysis of 2011 Census Key Statistics and Quick Statistics data release for Camden.

OS Vector Tile API

Slick, quick vector maps for use as a customisable, contextual base, with a focus on web and mobile apps. Benefit from unrivalled levels of detail in your web or mobile app. OS Vector Tile API...


Find the info about council planning more quickly

Payment performance

The payment performance dataset relates to Ofwat's invoices and how quickly they are paid

Population LATEST

Quick guide to latest population data for Camden, contains links to other documents and data.

What Is The Population Guide

Quick guide to population measures and the latest current information on the overall population of Camden.

2011 Census KS Profiles Camden And Wards

Set of summary profiles for Camden and Camden Wards (PDF), drawing on the 2011 Census Key Statistics (and some Quick Statistics) tables.

2011 Census KS Profile - Camden And Wards

Set of summary profiles for Camden and Camden Wards (Excel tables), drawing on the 2011 Census Key Statistics (and some Quick Statistics) tables.

OS Open Names

A comprehensive dataset of place names, roads numbers and postcodes for Great Britain. Accurate locations Let your customer-facing staff find places quickly when talking to callers. OS Open Names...

NI 061 - Timeliness of placements of looked after children for adoption following an agency decision that the child should be placed for adoption

This indicator provides an indication of how quickly children are placed with an approved prospective adopter(s) following the decision that they should be placed for adoption

Somerset Council Brownfield Register (East)

The Brownfield Register aims to help housebuilders identify suitable sites quickly, speeding up new homes being built and maximising the number of new homes on land previously developed.

Life Expectancy in Leeds (3 year averages)

Life expectancy in years (3 year averages). Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether expectancies could overlap or are...

JSA Monthly Summary LATEST MONTH

JSA Unemployment in Camden Summary (PDF): Quick analysis of monthly JSA statistics and GLA calculated JSA rates for Camden. Updated to give the latest published monthly analysis. Previous summaries...

Serviced Offices Points

Businesses looking to locate in the City of London who need a flexible, short-term office solution serviced office space or co-working space could provide the perfect solution. The attached...

Hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy construction drawings (NERC Grant NE/P004024/1)

Graphite software drawings of hydrothermal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) parts. Each part is on a different file. Complete housing assembly drawing shows stacking of all different part on assembled...

UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Process-Performance Indexed Design of Ionic Liquids for Carbon Capture, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Process-Performance Indexed Design of Ionic Liquids for Carbon Capture was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant...

2011 Census KS And QS Tables - Camden, LAs And Above

This is a complete set of 2011 Census Key Statistics (KS) and Quick Statistics (QS) tables for Camden and local authorities and higher geographies. THIS IS A ZIP file that needs to be downloaded...

Pensions short stories

A range of pensions short stories, information notices and summaries, designed to be topical and to respond quickly to new developments. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation:...

2011 Census Open Atlas - Camden

Alex Singleton, Lecturer in GIS at Liverpool University has created a set of maps of the 2011 Census Key and Quick Statistics ​released in January 2013 for output areas (small areas) in Camden and...