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Document preservation and treatment

Data relating to repository environments

Social care ownership profiles: management information

Data on the largest owners of children’s social care providers.


This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions. Ownership relates estates acquisitions held in ForesterWeb, that is used to...

The National Archives - Tender Documents

Details of central government tenders and contracts, including those for The National Archives, will be published on Contracts Finder Contracts Finder is...

Land Ownership

Land owned by, leased to or licenced to Hastings Borough Council (Polygon Dataset) and land owned by the Hastings and St Leonards Foreshore Charitable Trust. Always refer to the current registered...

Land Ownership

Dataset of Arun District Council Owned Land in the Arun District. This is work in progress. Always refer to the current registered title plan at the Land Registry for confirmation of registered...

Land ownership

Data showing all the freehold and leasehold land ownership of Plymouth City Council.

Property Ownership

This dataset shows the boundaries of land owned by Nottingham City Council.

Property Ownership

Cheshire East Property Ownership Available via:- a) ArcGIS Desktop b) Intranet - WebGIS c) Digital Mapping Service d) Data.Gov.UK - filtered The layer shows the extent of Cheshire East Borough...

Bill Documents

Specific versions of outputs from engineering design, environmental, property etc and porcesses created for bill purposes

The National Archives - documents delivered onsite

The number of documents delivered onsite at the National Archives in Kew since April 2010

The National Archives - documents delivered online

The number of documents delivered online by The National Archives since April 2010

Social care provision ownership and inspection outcomes: management information

These figures are not official statistics. They are management information published in the interests of transparency as at 31 March 2014.

Allerdale Land Ownership

Land and Property Extents expressed as polygons as recorded through the Allerdale Land Terrier. Extents captured from OS Mastermap from legal title plans

Council Property Ownership

Property information on land and buildings owned, let or managed by Bedford Borough Council. Including address, Land Registry numbers, area/size, property use etc

FBC Land Ownership

This indicative polygon dataset shows land owned by Fareham Borough Council. Always refer to the current registered title plan at the Land Registry for confirmation of registered extent.

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Ownership

Share Ownership

The latest Share Ownership report gives details of beneficial ownership of UK listed companies as at 31 December. This is provided in terms of National Accounts classifications. Source agency:...

Document Management System ("Matrix")

Electronic Document Storage solution for the Department, meeting obligations for Document and Freedom of Information (FOI) Management

Rail Technical tender documents

Tender documents, in particular, those for research projects