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102 results found

Coal Outcrops

Coal outcrops illustrate a location where a workable coal seam is present at or close to the surface. This layer identifies where an underground coal seam reaches rockhead, indicating coal that may...

Coal outcrops

The coal outcrop identifies where an underground coal seam reaches rockhead, indicating coal that may have been worked at some time in the past. Whilst this dataset highlights areas of probable...

Prediction of outcrops or subcrops of rock in UK shelf seabed (public)

Prediction of the presence of rock at outcrop or subcrop at the seabed across the UK shelf area. This shapefile was produced through a semi-automated approach, using a Random Forest model combined...

2023, BP Exploration, Bunter Outcrop 3DHR, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_1500

An oil and gas industry 3D seismic site survey aquired between March and April 2023. The block numbers traversed were 43/27, 43/28.

Glass geochemical data of Late Quaternary tephra from Main Ethiopian Rift (NERC grant NE/L013533/1)

Glass major element geochemical data on Late Quaternary tephra deposits from the Main Ethiopian Rift volcanoes. These data were acquired using Electron Microprobe Analysis, and secondary standard...

2012, National Grid Twenty Nine Ltd, Humber CCS, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number 2644

An oil and gas industry jack-up rig, outcrop definition site survey acquired under licences P1858, P1034 between March and April 2012. The block numbers traversed were 42/25,43/21,43/28a.

Sussex Coast (Worthing to Beachy Head) lifeforms map

The Sussex coast was mapped during several visits to the area using AGDS, and drop down video. On interest was the location of reef areas and chalk outcrops thoughout the area in addtion to general...

Species point records from 1997 MNCR north Norfolk littoral survey

Survey of the sediment shores between Hunstanton and Brancaster over a period of 3 days. Five littoral sites were completed with 19 sediment core samples and two epibiota records. The majority of...

Habitat point records from 1997 MNCR north Norfolk littoral survey

Survey of the sediment shores between Hunstanton and Brancaster over a period of 3 days. Five littoral sites were completed with 19 sediment core samples and two epibiota records. The majority of...

Limestone Pavement Orders

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of areas that are listed under Limestone Pavement Orders. Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface...

Limestone Pavement Orders - Craven District Council

Limestone pavements are outcrops of limestone where the surface has been worn away by natural means over millennia. These rocks have the appearance of paving blocks, hence their name. Not only do...

Habitat point records from 1996 MNCR west Anglesey littoral survey

Standard MNCR survey of littoral sites betwen the southern end of the Menai Strait (Abermena Point) and Carmel Head. Sediment sites were sampled using 8 pooled 10.3 cm diameter cores and rock site...

Species point records from 1996 MNCR west Anglesey littoral survey

Standard MNCR survey of littoral sites betwen the southern end of the Menai Strait (Abermena Point) and Carmel Head. Sediment sites were sampled using 8 pooled 10.3 cm diameter cores and rock site...

X-Ray micro-CT data and simulation files for paper 'Representative elementary volumes, hysteresis and heterogeneity in multiphase flow from the pore to continuum scale'

Grant: NE/N016173/1.The data presented herein comprises raw and segmented X-Ray micro-CT data, CMG simulation files and Matlab processing files for the paper 'Representative elementary volumes,...

EPSRC project presentation: Illustrations of geological framework & models, reservoir and seal mineralogy research by BGS for WP1 CASSEM project

The CASSEM project developed new methodologies, workflows and insights essential for the successful identification and evaluation of safe and effective CO2 storage sites in offshore saline...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1975/1: Submersible trials

This sampling survey has been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in April 1975 around the west coast of Scotland and...

UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) Geophysical Survey 1974/13: Lizard and SW Approaches (05/05/1974 to 06/09/1974)

This geophysical survey has been carried out by, Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS) now British Geological Survey (BGS) for Department of Energy, the survey took place from May to September...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Submersible Trials Survey 1975/CH/6: Minch and Clyde (10/04/1975 to 29/04/1975)

This geophysical and sampling survey has been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS) now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in April 1975 in the Clyde and...

Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Sampling, Video and Multibeam Survey 2007/15_JNCC: 2003 - 2007 JNCC/AFBI North West Irish Sea Mounds (01/Jun/2003 to 25/Feb/2007)

North-West Irish Sea Mounds Survey (2003, 2006 and 2007). The North-West Irish Sea Mounds are a group of bedrock outcrops between Northern Ireland and Scotland. The aim was to improve understanding...

NSI Site

The National Soil Inventory (NSI) site data is a spatial, point dataset with 6127 points, located in a 5km grid across England and Wales. NSI site provides a in depth description of the general...