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872 results found

2010 Defra MB0106 Scottish Offshore Wind Farms

Sites selected for offshore wind farm development with Scottish territorial waters. In total the sites have the potential to generate more than 6 GW of energy.

2010 Defra MB0106 Scottish Offshore Wind Farms

Sites selected for offshore wind farm development with Scottish territorial waters. In total the sites have the potential to generate more than 6 GW of energy.

Energy Resources - Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy - Plan Options - 2020

The Sectoral Marine Plan aims to identify the most sustainable plan options for the future development of commercial-scale offshore wind energy in Scotland, including deep water wind technologies...

2024, Natural Power Consultants Ltd, Thanet Offshore Wind Farm, Benthic Survey

Within the Environmental Statement (ES) for the development of the Thanet OWF, Thanet Offshore Wind Limited committed to undertaking three post-construction monitoring surveys over a ten-year...

Energy resources - Areas of Search refined from offshore wind scoping study 2018

Areas of search (AoS) have been created using a multi-criteria analysis generated constraint map that shows a range of suitability for offshore wind energy locations. This constraint map is the...

Digital Archive for Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One (HOW01) 2015-2019

This collection comprises fieldwork and post-excavation data associated with Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One. Archaeological work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between September 2015...

Digital Archive for Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One (HOW01) 2015-2019

This collection comprises fieldwork and post-excavation data associated with Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One. Archaeological work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between September 2015...

Energy Resources - Sectoral Marine Plan - Offshore Wind Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas - Areas of Search and exclusions

The Areas of Search and exclusions identify early Sectoral Marine Planning considerations for suitable offshore wind development. These locations will be progressed through a Sectoral Marine...

2015 SSE Renewables Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm pre-construction drop down video survey

A pre-construction benthic characterisation survey was conducted by APEM Ltd at the proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Annex 1 Habitat Survey of the Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW)...

2015 SSE Renewables Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm pre-construction drop down video survey

A pre-construction benthic characterisation survey was conducted by APEM Ltd at the proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Annex 1 Habitat Survey of the Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW)...

2016; Royal Haskoning DHV, ESS Ecology, BioSS; Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm; Final Ornithological Monitoring Report

As the final report for the ornithological monitoring programme at Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm (GGOWF), this report provides the collation, analysis and presentation of the full...

2016; Royal Haskoning DHV, ESS Ecology, BioSS; Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm; Final Ornithological Monitoring Report

As the final report for the ornithological monitoring programme at Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm (GGOWF), this report provides the collation, analysis and presentation of the full...

2015 SSE Renewables Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm pre-construction benthic grab survey

A pre-construction benthic characterisation survey was conducted by APEM Ltd at the proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) and Annex 1 Habitat Survey of the Offshore Transmission Works (OfTW)...

Onshore Wind Energy 2017 Wind Farm Spatial Framework - Moray

Areas with Potential where wind farms are likely to be acceptable subject to detailed consideration against policy criteria, the Moray Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance and the Moray Wind...

Moray Onshore Wind Energy 2017 Wind Farm Spatial Framework (Moray)

Areas with Potential where wind farms are likely to be acceptable subject to detailed consideration against policy criteria, the Moray Onshore Wind Energy Supplementary Guidance and the Moray Wind...

Winding Holes

Point dataset showing the position of winding holes and other recommended turning points along the navigational network. Captured from OS MasterMap.

Wind Turbine Permissions

This data set has been derived from the Development Management system used by Cornwall Council's Planning and Regeneration Service. It should be noted that the data included does not necessarilly...

Wind Farms - South Ayrshire

This is a comprehensive dataset of all wind farm schemes within South Ayrshire including proposed, withdrawn, refused, constructed, and consented wind farms. The map shows the approximate physical...

Wind Turbines (WFS)

WFS Service provides download capabilities for location and details of wind turbines above 15 metres height in Fife

Wind Energy Capacity Study

The council, together with Scottish Natural Heritage have commissioned Consultant Landscape Architects to update the Argyll and Bute Landscape Wind Energy Capacity Study 2012. The study provides...