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107 results found

Double deflation

Overview of double deflation theory and methods, with some experimental case studies.

Obese adults (%)

Obese adults (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

Obese children

Prevalence of obesity in Reception year pupils Source: The Information Centre for health and social care (IC) Publisher: Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) Geographies: Local...

Childhood obesity

Update of annual statistics on high and low body mass index (BMI) for Primary 1 school children in ten participating NHS Boards in Scotland. From December 2010 onwards this publication will be...

Child Obesity and Excess Weight

Child Obesity and Excess Weight data from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP, published by Public Health England). NCMP data is an annual survey of children attending state schools,...

Adult Overweight and Obesity Profile

A profile looking at the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Camden's population.

Child Overweight and Obesity Profile

This public health intelligence profile describes the trends and patterns in child obesity and overweight (age 0-18 years) in Camden.

Indicators on breastfeeding, smoking and obesity

Local NHS data on: Breastfeeding initiation rates and 6-8 weeks breastfeeding rates; Smoking at time of delivery; GP-recorded smoking status among adults; GP-recorded adult obesity status. Source...

GP recorded obesity rates

A dataset providing data on GP recorded obesity rates.  Obesity is a term used to describe somebody who is very overweight, with a lot of body fat. It's a common problem, estimated to...

Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England

This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: - Overweight and obesity...

Primary 1 and Year 8 Obesity

Proportion of primary 1 and year 8 pupils classified as obese according to Body Mass Index (BMI) measurement. Information collected and reported on an annual basis.

% of adults classified as overweight or obese

% of adults classified as overweight or obese *This indicator has been discontinued

Information on replacement double tags 2009 and 2010

This dataset as reported to the Rural Payments Agency contains a list of information on replacement double tags 2009 and 2010. Note: 'Set of replacement tags' means primary and secondary...

Obese and Overweight - Children (Health Survey Northern Ireland)

The proportion of children (aged 2-15) classified as obese and overweight from Health Survey Northern Ireland 2010/11 - 2015/16

Obese and Overweight - Adults (Health Survey Northern Ireland)

The proportion of adult respondents (aged 16+) classified as obese and overweight from Health Survey Northern Ireland 2010/11 - 2015/16

NI 055 Obesity in primary school age children in Reception

Percentage of primary school age children in Reception Year who are obese, with height and weight recorded. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...

Double Torsion Beamtime, Mechanical Data (NERC grant NE/M001458/1)

The mechanical data (loads, displacements) recorded during double torsion experiments on samples of 6 shale materials and a sandstone. These experiments were conducted on the I12 beamline, Diamond...

% of reception year children recorded as being obese (single year)

% of reception year children recorded as being obese (single year)

NI 055 - Obesity in primary school age children in Reception

Percentage of primary school age children in Reception Year who are obese, with height and weight recorded.

NI 056 Obesity in primary school age children in Year 6

Percentage of primary school age children in Year 6 who are obese, with height and weight recorded. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets...