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NHS Trusts

NHS Trusts Contains: Etr.csv contains parent NHS Trusts. All three NHS Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although fields 14 and 15 are only populated for NHS Trust Site...

NHS Workforce: Staff in NHS Support Organisations and Central Bodies

Quarterly data on staff in NHS support organisations and central bodies

NHS Workforce Census

Census workforce data for those parts of the Healthcare workforce that are currently collected within the workforce Minimum Dataset (wMDS) as at 31 March 2015, giving national level statistics for...

Non-NHS Organisations

Non-NHS Organisations Contains: Independent Providers: Registered and Non-Registered Non-NHS Organisations in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands, including...

NHS Trust Sites

NHS Trust Sites Contains: Ets.csv contains just NHS Trust sites. All three files follow the same format and conventions, although fields 14 and 15 are only populated for NHS Trust Site...

NHS Support Agencies

NHS Support Agencies and Shared Services Contains: NHS Support Agencies in England: including current organisations and data for organisations that have closed in the current or previous...

NHS Vacancy Statistics

Provisional experimental publication of NHS vacancy statistics created from administrative data related to published vacancy adverts obtained from NHS Jobs, the main recruitment website for the...

NHS Surplus Land

The Surplus Land collection has existed since 2008 to provide information to the Department of Health, the Homes and Communities Agency and Government Property Unit on sites that can be disposed...

NHS Workforce - Turnover

Annual turnover figures, by Health Education England regions, for NHS Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) staff. Prior to June 2013, the data is reported at Strategic Health Authority...

NHS Workforce - Redundancies

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) monthly workforce statistics - Provisional Statistics: Timeseries of Redundancies

NHS Workforce - Nationality

NHS Hospital & Community Health Service (HCHS) workforce statistics - nationality by main staff group.

NHS Vacancies Survey

The purpose of these surveys are to highlight problems with recruitment so that they can be addressed. They focus on total and three month vacancies within NHS Hospital and Community Health...

NHS 111 Dataset

Monthly statistics on access to, volume and quality of NHS 111 calls. It covers information on the price of the NHS 111 service, its impact on activity across the urgent and emergency care system....

NHS Workforce - Medical Staff

Provisional monthly figures for full time equivalent (FTE) NHS Hospital and Community Health Service medical staff working in NHS Trusts and CCGs in England.

Sickness Absence Rates in the NHS

This data relates to sickness absence rates for staff at NHS organisations on the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) . The CSV files are cumulatively appended each month, containing monthly data...

NHS Staff Earnings Estimates

These tables cover the period from 30 April 2008 through to the latest period and uses four main earnings measures. Note that from September 2015 this dataset is now updated quarterly. As...

Data on written complaints in the NHS

The NHS complaints procedure is the statutorily based mechanism for dealing with complaints about NHS care and treatment and all NHS organisations in England are required to operate the procedure....

NHS Trusts and Trust Sites

NHS Trusts and Sites Contains: Etrust.csv contains the NHS Trust parent codes and sites. All three NHS Trust files follow the same format and conventions, although fields 14 and 15 are only...

NHS Payments to General Practice

NHS Payments to General Practice in England, analysed by individual provider of general practice services and main payment category. The main payment categories include Global Sum, the Minimum...

NHS Continuing Healthcare Activity

NHS Continuing Healthcare’ is a package of care (outside hospital) arranged and funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the...