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London's sectors - More Detailed Jobs

**More Detailed Jobs** This dataset provides estimates of employee jobs in London down to 4-digit Standard Industry Classification level, from 1998 to 2022. The latest release was in **July 2024...

MRC Spend of £25k or more

Breakdown of spend for invoices of £25k or more.

Classes taught by more than one teacher

Number of pupils and average class sizes in classes taught by more than one teacher in maintained primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher:...

MRC GPC Transactions of £500 or more - March 2018

MRC GPC transactions of £500 or more

Provision of 1 hour or more unpaid care per week (%)

Provision of 1 hour or more unpaid care per week (%)

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Children with one or more decayed, missing or filled teeth

Payments of more than £25,000 from the Scotland Office

This dataset contains details of payments of £25,000 or more made by the Scotland Office

Registered bodies who submit more than 1500 applications per year

FOI response: Names and addresses of Registered Bodies who submit more than 1500 applications per year or are eligible to ntroduce their own e-bulk solution

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%)

Reduction in CO2 through investing in more efficient street lighting (%) *This indicator has been discontinued

Camden housing estates (with 20 or more units) with locations

This dataset gives locations for all Camden Housing Estates with 20 or more units (tenanted, leasehold or non-residential) in the national grid (easting/northing) format and latitude and longitude....

Do smoking rates vary between more and less advantaged areas?

Analysis looking at current smoking rates, for adults over 18 years old, using the 2012 Integrated Household Survey (IHS) and the 2010 Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD 2010). Source agency:...

Diet - x5 or more Fruit and Veg a day - 2014

Data showing Diet - x5 or more Fruit and veg a day - Plymouth - 2014 from the Health and Wellbeing Survey 2014

SNPA - ELDP land with consent for 10 or more houses

Dataset showing land with existing commitments for 10 or more houses at the time of publication, 2011, under Strategic Policy G - Housing of the Eryri Local Development Plan (ELDP), the limit of...

Alcohol x4 or more times a week - Health and Wellbeing Survey

Data showing Alcohol x4 or more times a week - Wellbeing Survey

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of secondary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools with 25% or more of their places unfilled - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

% of primary schools oversubscribed by 5% or more (@ January school census) - (Snapshot)

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria)

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria) *This indicator has been discontinued

NI Water Analysis of Borrowings Due After More Than One Year 2019 2020

NI Water Annual Information Return Analysis of Borrowings Due After More Than One Year (Historical Cost Accounting) Balance Sheet as at 31 March 2019 2020

Number of Supporting Families cases (Families identified with 3 or more headline criteria) - (Snapshot)

Number of Supporting Families cases (Families identified with 3 or more headline criteria) - (Snapshot) *This indicator has been discontinued