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604 results found

Value for money profiles

Value for money profiles provide benchmarking information on: what the police are spending their budgets; staffing levels by grade and function and outputs and outcomes in a comparable format.

NI 179 - Value for money

This indicator defines the total net value of ongoing cash-releasing value for money gains that have impacted since the start of the 2008-09 Financial Year. Source: Local Authorities Publisher:...

% of panel agree the council provides value for money

% of panel agree the council provides value for money

% of panel disagree the council provides value for money

% of panel disagree the council provides value for money

Send money to someone in prison performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Send money to someone in prison service. The data is updated weekly, but the latest month will not always have complete figures.

Entry Level Stewardship Training and Information Programme (ETIP) Value for Money

Entry Level Stewardship Training and Information Programme (ETIP) Value for Money

Funding money

Wilton Park - Amount of funding by funder per conference or overall

Waste Contracts Register

The Mayor set out his strategic policy framework for the management of London's municipal waste in the London Environment Strategy (LES), published in May 2018. Proposal 7.2.1.b set out the Mayor’s...

NI 179 - Value for money - total net value of ongoing cash-releasing value for money gains that have impacted since the start of the 2008-09 financial year

All parts of the public sector need to continue to seek and implement ways to deliver higher quality public services with the resources that are available. This means enhancing value for money and...

Waste Exemptions

This dataset contains a summary of numbers of exemptions by paragraph type and a detailed site list for England. A simple waste registration or exemption is a waste operation that is exempt from...

Waste Sites

Sites for waste management of municipal, commercial and industrial waste as defined in the Waste Development Plan Document adopted 9 December 2009.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons.

Waste Contract

The Transparency Code mandates local authorities to publish details of their existing waste collection contracts. Rochdale Borough Council DOES NOT have a household waste collection contract in place.

Waste disposal

Data on where waste has been disposed of (composting, incinerator, landfill) IMPORTANT CAVEATS: 1) The information provided is Municipal Waste not household waste. 2) HWRC Princes Drive,...

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage

North Lincolnshire Council Waste Treatment and Waste Storage represented as polygons digitised with reference to Ordnance Survey MasterMap.

Existing Waste Locations

North London Waste Plan - Existing Waste Locations

Waste Permissions

Permitted waste sites / facilities

Waste Contracts

Details of their existing waste collection contracts.


SPRI (Scottish Pollution Release Inventory) waste release sites in Scotland