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361 results found

Correspondence casework

All external correspondence and internal briefing requests are recorded and performance in responding is monitored.

Correspondence Case Record – Ministerial

Correspondence received from Members of Parliament that require a response in the Chair’s or Chief Executive’s name. Also includes correspondence from Members of Parliament to Dept. of Health (DH)...

Correspondence Case Record – Branch

Correspondence received from FSA stakeholders that require a response in either the Chair’s or the Chief Executive’s name.

Parliamentary and correspondence cases

Monthly statistics covering volume of correspendence recieved

Correspondence Tracking System

System for recording correspondence

Correspondence Case Record – Treat Official

Correspondence received from members of the public which will be answered by locally by the relevant FSA business area.

MoJ Ministerial correspondence tracker

Database for tracking and monitoring ministerial correspondence logged under name and addressee of author, campaign, subject heading (e.g. criminal justice system, devolution, family justice, fees...

Respond Correspondence

Record of customer contact with Customer Enquiry Unit and other DSA branches excluding Chief Executive's Office.

College Notice to Improve Correspondence

College Notice to Improve Correspondence

Correspondence Recording System (CRS)

Correspondence Recording System - Summary details of who has contacted the Agency (name, address, organisation) and brief overview of issues.

East Asia Office Customer Correspondence

Customer correspondence

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Customer Contact Unit (CCU) correspondence tracking system

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) Customer Contact Unit (CCU) correspondence tracking system

Legal Advice (Solicitors)

Advice log, correspondence, guidance and templates for Solicitors advice. Updated: ad hoc.

Legal Advice (Solicitors)

Advice log, correspondence, guidance and templates for Solicitors advice. Updated: ad hoc.

Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2016-2021

Number of Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2016-2021

Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2016-2021

Number of Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2016-2021

Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2022-2023

Complaints and MP/MLA Correspondence received by Land & Property Services 2022-2023


Correspondence handling and tracking system for parliamentary questions, official correspondence, public enquiries and freedom of information requests.

National Forest Inventory - 25-year forecast of softwood timber availability UK 2016

An NFI summary report of the 25-year forecast of softwood timber availability for the UK. Covers the period 2017-2041. It also includes a summary of the corresponding forecast of coniferous...


Chapter - Correspondence and PQ handling system - storing records of correspondence and emails addressed to Ministers from MPs and members of the public and PQs addressed to Ministers by Members of...