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449 results found

BGS Metadata Catalogue

BGS Data Catalogue discovery service API. Provides human and computer accessible interface to BGS metadata records

Nottinghamshire County Council Metadata Records

Harvesting metadata for INSPIRE spatial datasets produced by Nottinghamshire County Council

UK Location Metadata Summary Reports

Reports containg summary information about UK Location discovery metadata published on

North Tyneside Greenbelt Metadata

This is the metadata of a shapefile which shows the extent of Green Belt in the Metropolitan Borough of North Tyneside as idenified in the North Tyneside Unitary Development Plan of March 2002...

Offshore oil and gas industry site survey metadata

Available metadata for oil and gas industry site surveys, including their geographic locations. As the Data Archive Centre (DAC) for geology and geophysics for MEDIN (the Marine Environment Data...

Meta-data for datasets

A dataset of all the meta-data for all of the datasets available through the service. This is provided as a zipped CSV or JSON file. It is published nightly. Updates: 27 Sep 2017:...

BGS Discovery Metadata

BGS’s Data Catalogue, which provides Open Geospatial Consortium "Catalogue Service for the Web" (CSW) access to information about British Geological Survey (BGS) datasets, services (including...

Land Registry INSPIRE Download Service Metadata

INSPIRE Polygons are a complete set of Freehold title extent indexes available for England and Wales. The data is structured to meet the requirements of the EU INSPIRE Directive. Land Registry’s...

FC England (test) Metadata Template Spatial Data

Attribution statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

FC England (test) Metadata Template Spatial Data

Attribution Statement: Contains OS data © Crown copyright [and database right] [year].

CO2 release field experiment global metadata

Compilation of CO2 release field experiments conducted worldwide for which the research results are publicly available prior to May 2017. This includes 14 field sites and 41 field experiments. For...

UK museum specimen metadata and procrustes distance between left and right forewings, for five bumblebee species

Data comprise the collection label details of museums specimens for five bumblebee species (Bombus hortorum, B. muscorum, B. lapidarius, B. pascuorum and B. sylvarum) from five UK museums (Natural...

Mg and Li isotope data on laboratory clay minerals and metadata (NERC grant NE/M001865/1)

Clay minerals (smectites) were synthesised experimentally to determine isotope fractionation factors (Li and Mg). The data are provided here. Interpretation is ongoing.

Collections database

The Tate Collection Here we present the metadata for around 70,000 artworks that Tate owns or jointly owns with the National Galleries of Scotland as part of ARTIST ROOMS. Metadata for around 3,500...

External Better Homes Programme

Waiting on metadata

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permissions Scanned Maps

These are scanned and georeferenced raster versions of the 1400 Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permissions Maps (see associated metadata). The 1:25000 scale maps...

INSPIRE spatial datasets

These are environmental spatial datasets that must be published by the council in order to comply with the EU INSPIRE directive. For compliance with the metadata requirements they are catalogued...

Observation Station Dataset

Metadata about the Synop and Climate stations used to collect Observations.

Ministry of Housing and Local Government (MHLG) Mineral Planning Permissions Cards

A card index storing supplementary information regarding name, operator, dates and commodity worked for each planning permission boundary recorded (drawn) on the Ministry of Housing and Local...

Evaluation and Evaluation Evidence Databases

Tracks the status of HMRC evaluations of research and analyses, findings and meta-data. Updated: ad hoc.