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76 results found

Funeral Folder

Spreadsheet containing Service names and numbers for deaths in service

2009-2012 Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Eastern IFCA) River Stour and Orwell clam surveys

Between 2009 and 2012, Eastern IFCA (and its predeccesor, ESFJC) conducted stock assessment surveys of Manila clams (Vererupis philippinarum) along both the River Stour and River Orwell, Suffolk....

2009-2012 Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Eastern IFCA) River Stour and Orwell clam surveys

Between 2009 and 2012, Eastern IFCA (and its predeccesor, ESFJC) conducted stock assessment surveys of Manila clams (Vererupis philippinarum) along both the River Stour and River Orwell, Suffolk....

Earthquake hazard from 36-Cl exposure dating of elapsed time and Coulomb stress transfer (NERC grant NE/I024127/1)

Data derived from NERC grant NE/I024127/1 1) 36Cl data and supporting chemistry. This folder contains the 36Cl concentration data, data on sample locations on fault planes, major and trace element...

Micro-structural images and analysis of Chicxulub Peak Ring material and Numerical Simulation Data of the Chicxulub Impact (NERC grant NE/P011195/1)

The data within this repository contains results from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 which drilled the Peak Ring of the Chicxulub Crater, offshore Mexico. The offshore phase of this expedition occurred...

Single Enforcement Budget

Single Enforcement Budget - folders on project information

Geotechnical centrifuge modelling of glacier crevassing - centrifuge test data and recommendations for future work and model construction (NERC grant NE/J014419/1)

There is a report highlighting the approach for model construction and recommendations for any future work. There is an excel file pf processed data including time, centrifuge speed, water...

Susceptibility, hysteresis, coercivity, isothermal remanent magnetisation and thermomagnetic curve Rock Magnetic data measured at University of Liverpool (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Rock magnetic data corresponding to demagnetisation (LIV_DEMAG) and paleointensity (LIV_PI) data submitted as part of this grant. This data is divided into two subfolders, "Kappabridge" and "VFTB",...

Rheometric data for suspensions of bubbles and/or particles in a Newtonian suspending liquid

Rheometric data for suspensions of bubbles and/or particles in a Newtonian suspending liquid. Experimental suspensions are intended as analogues for multiphase magma and lava (containing volatile...

LEGGI 2008 Database

London Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2008 showing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. LEGGI 2008 is a database of geographically referenced datasets of energy consumption within...

London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI) 2008

> [The LAEI 2008 has since been superseded. Click here for the full list of releases.](/air-quality/) Estimates of eight key and six subsidiary pollutants are included for the base year 2008...

Digitised magnetogram data from the Carrington storm 25th August to 5th September 1859 recorded at Greenwich and Kew Gardens (NERC Grant NE/V002694/1)

This dataset is the most complete digitised magnetic records (as of Nov 2023) of the ten-day period from 25th August to 5th September 1859 encompassing the Carrington storm and its lesser...

PlumeMOM model inputs and simulation results for 22/12/2018 Anak Krakatau volcanic eruption (NERC Grants NE/T002026/1, NE/T002018/1)

The folders contain the inputs required to run numerical simulations of the Anak Krakatau eruption in 2018, including ERA wind field data, and model input files (.bak). Two sets of simulations were...

Supporting data for the paper 'Small-scale capillary heterogeneity linked to rapid plume migration during CO2 storage' by S.J. Jackson and S. Krevor 2020 (NERC Grant NE/N016173/1)

Herein lies the supporting data for the paper 'Small-scale capillary heterogeneity linked to rapid plume migration during CO2 storage'. We supply experimental, analytical and numerical simulation...

Experimental and numerical simulation data demonstrating the impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO2 in the Captain Sandstone (EPSRC Grant EP/R513052/1)

The supporting data for C. Harris et al., 2021, 'The impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO2 in the Captain Sandstone', International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. We supply...

Statistical GIS Boundary Files for London

The [Zip]( folder contains a range of key GIS boundary files for ESRI and Map Info covering Greater...

XRheo development data (NERC grant NE/M018687/1)

Reconstructed data - This dataset contains the reconstructed image data. Each sub-folder contains a set of 2D slices that together make up a 3D image from that time point. Not all images from all...

Students in Higher Education (1994/95 to 2015/16)

The Students in Higher Education publication is presented as folders of Microsoft Excel tables. These include breakdowns by subject of study, level of study, mode of study, age, sex, ethnicity,...

Monthly simulated groundwater levels for Iloilo, Philippines (1979 to 2089) (NERC Grant NE/S003118/1)

Ensemble of simulated groundwater levels for Iloilo, Philippines. The simulated time series of data covers the period December 1979 to December 2089 under two Representative Concentration Pathways...

Monthly simulated groundwater levels for Central Luzon, Philippines (1979 to 2089) (NERC Grant NE/S003118/1)

Ensemble of simulated groundwater levels for Central Luzon, Philippines. The simulated time series of data covers the period December 1979 to December 2089 under two Representative Concentration...