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Children in low income families

HM Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions have published new Official experimental statistics called "[Children in low income families: local area statistics 2014/15 to...

Children in low income families

### About the dataset This dataset uses information from the DWP benefit system to provide estimates of children living in poverty for wards in London. In order to be counted in this dataset, a...

Children in Low Income Families

This dataset shows official annual experimental statistics for numbers and percentages of Children age under 16 living in Relative and Absolute low income families, by Local Authority District and...

Children in low income families

The number of children who lived in households where a parent or guardian claims an out-of-work...

NI 118 - Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

NI 118 Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families.

Take up of formal childcare by low-income working families. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: County/Unitary...

Low Income Dynamics

Publication concentrating on low-income dynamics. It shows trends in relation to individuals who are persistently observed as living in low-income households and presents transition...

Children in Relative low income households by ward 2021-22

The StatXplore Children in low-income families' local area statistics (CiLIF) provides information on the number of children living in Relative low income by local area across the United...

Children in Absolute low income households by ward 2021-22

The Children in low-income families' local area statistics (CiLIF), provides information on the number and proportion of children living in Absolute low income by local area across the United...

HBAI Children In Low Income Families Local Measure Aug-12 ( Sep-14)

HMRC statistics used in Households Below Average Income statistics and gives local (LA) results.

Family Resources Survey

The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the UK (or Great Britain before 2002/03). Source agency: Work and Pensions Designation:...

Households Below Average Income dataset

Households Below Average Income anonymised UK Data Archive End User Licence. The data is used to produce the latest annual estimates of the percentage of children, working-age adults and pensioners...

Farm Business Income, Net Farm Income and Cash Income

Presents income figures based on results from the Farm Business Survey. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Household income by ethnicity

The data measures the weekly income before tax of households from different ethnic groups in the UK. It includes the total income of everyone who lives in the household. The data comes from the...

Individual Income Series Reports (Northern Ireland)

Information on weekly incomes by family type, source of income, age, marital status, and employment status. Source agency: Social Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: National...

Farm Incomes

Presents income figures based on results from the Farm Business Survey. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

NI 187 - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

Family Resources Survey Main Dataset

The Family Resources Survey collects information on the incomes and circumstances of private households in the United Kingdom. This survey is used for analysing the distribution of incomes,...

NI 187 Tackling fuel poverty - % of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...

NI 187a - Tackling fuel poverty - percentage of people receiving income based benefits living in homes with a low energy efficiency rating

Fuel poverty is the requirement to spend 10% or more of household income to maintain an adequate level or warmth. The energy efficiency of a house can be measured using the Standard Assessment...