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        414 results found

        Special consideration in GCSE and GCE

        Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Ofqual collects and reports information on the total number...

        Special consideration in GCSE and A level

        Numbers of adjustments to the marks of candidates who have not been able to demonstrate attainment because of exceptional circumstances. Awarding organisations are required to have procedures for...

        UK Biodiversity Indicator A5, Integration of biodiversity considerations into business

        This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator A5, Integration of biodiversity considerations into business. Decisions made by businesses of any size within key sectors...

        Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Land Under Consideration for Employment

        Land Under Consideration for Employment from the Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the...

        Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Land Under Consideration for Housing

        Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Land Under Consideration for Housing from the Local Plan Issues and Options Draft 2014 Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data...

        Shortlist of soil-based greenhouse gas removal practices selected following consideration of biophysical, economic and social impacts

        The provided data presents a list of greenhouse gas removal practices for soil organic carbon sequestration, which are suitable under biophysical, economic and social consideration. The list is the...

        NI 023 Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

        Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another Source: Department for Children Schools...

        NI 023 - Perceptions that people in the area treat one another with respect and consideration

        Encouraging local authorities and their partners to take action to promote strong communities with shared values where community members treat one another

        Species point records from 1986-89 MNCR Sector 8 (Western Channel) various surveys

        The sites investigated in this survey were done so for a variety of reasons and are merely conveniently loosely grouped together under the MNCR sector heading in which they are found. Specific aims...

        Habitat point records from 1986-89 MNCR Sector 8 (Western Channel) various surveys

        The sites investigated in this survey were done so for a variety of reasons and are merely conveniently loosely grouped together under the MNCR sector heading in which they are found. Specific aims...

        Aquifer Designation Dataset for Wales

        Joint BGS/Natural Resources Wales (NRW) dataset of aquifer designations for Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable rock...

        Aquifer Designation Dataset for England and Wales

        Joint BGS/Environment Agency dataset of aquifer designations for England and Wales at 1:50 000. The dataset identifies different types of aquifer - underground layers of water-bearing permeable...

        Hydraulic mobility of aquatic insect (Trichoptera) bioconstructions and incorporated sediments

        Data comprise resistance of aquatic bioconstructions (Trichoptera cases), and the loose sediment they were built from, to hydraulic forces measured in a hydraulic flume. S1_Velocimetry_data...

        Defence Logistic Information SPIN Database

        Includes statistics on the consumption on the fuel and other considerable's

        Bledlow-cum-Saunderton Neighbourhood Plan 2017

        Designated site boundaries for consideration in Bledlow-cum-Saunderton neighbourhood planning applications


        Parking, Car Park, off-street, pay and display, amenity car park Land available for parking. Freehold of sites all owned by Rother District Council, however some site are managed under lease...

        Large river confluence numerical model output (NERC grant NE/I023228/1)

        This dataset contains numerical model output of a morphodynamic and sedimentological simulation of a large river confluence based loosely on the Jamuna-Ganges junction in Bangladesh. The work was...

        Longwick-cum-Ilmer Neighbourhood Plan 2017

        Designated policy and site boundaries for consideration in relevant Longwick-cum-Ilmer neighbourhood planning applications

        Air Quality Hotspots

        Air Quality Hotspots (areas of poor air quality under consideration for remedial measures) within Dudley Metropolitan Borough.

        RDC Car Parks - Service Data

        Parking, Car Park, Off-street, Pay & Display, Amenity Car Parks. Land designated for parking. All freeholds of the stes are owned by Rother District Council, however some sites are managed...