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Non-domestic rates local new businesses

New local businesses subject to business rates for the previous month.

Survey Compliance Costs to Businesses and Local Authorities

HMRC Survey Compliance Costs To Businesses and Local Authorities - This publication contains statistics of HMRC survey compliance costs Source agency: HM Revenue and Customs Designation: National...

Local Development Plan - Established Business and Industry Areas

Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 Established Business And Industry Areas (EBIAs) – These are areas of established business and industrial use. For the purposes of SG LDP BUS 1,...

YDNPA Local Plan Policy BE1 – Business development sites

Identifies land specifically allocated for business-related development. Yorkshire Dales Local Plan 2015-30

Coronavirus business grant funding by parliamentary constituency and local authority

Data on the number and value of grants to small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The spreadsheet shows the total amount of money that each local authority...

VAT based local business units by broad industry group

Counts of local units by broad industry group Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

VAT based local business units by employment size band

Counts of local units by employment size band (number of employees) Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies:...

VAT based local business units totals only - urban/rural

Counts of local units totals only - urban/rural Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle Layer Super Output...

Local Development Plan: Established Business and Industry Area - Argyll and Bute

Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 Established Business And Industry Areas (EBIAs) – These are areas of established business and industrial use. For the purposes of SG LDP BUS 1,...

Coronavirus (Covid 19) grant funding: local authority payments to small and medium businesses

Local authorities have received and distributed funding to support small and medium businesses in England during coronavirus. The datasets cover schemes managed by local authorities: Additional...

NI 182 Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and...

Local Development Plan: Strategic Industrial and Business Area - Argyll and Bute

As designated in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015, the strategic areas in Argyll and Bute identified to promote business and industrial development that increases economic...

VAT based local business units by public/private status, single/multi site

Counts of local units by public/private status, single/multi site Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Middle...

Business Uses

This is a polygon dataset used to identify business areas and was part of the Adopted Local Plan (1996-2005)

VAT based local business units by employment size band in urban areas

Counts of local units by employment size band (number of employees) in areas classified as urban Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

VAT based local business units by employment size band in rural areas

Counts of local units by employment size band (number of employees) in areas classified as rural Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

VAT based local business units by broad industry group in rural areas

Counts of local units by employment size band (number of employees) in areas classified as rural Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

VAT based local business units by broad industry group in urban areas

Counts of local units by employment size band (number of employees) in areas classified as urban Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Business Registers Unit (BRU) Publisher: Neighbourhood...

VAT registered businesses

Number of VAT-registered businesses recorded. "Enterprise Directorate: Business Start-ups and Closures: VAT Registrations and De-registrations" Please note that there will be no further releases...

Central Business Areas

Defined as part of the South Norfolk Local Plan 2003. South Norfolk is creator of this data and it is reviewed and updated as part of the Local Plan process. The data shows the business area in a...