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        8,421 results found

        PRODCOM Final Results

        Final estimates of UK Manufacturing Sales by Product (PRODCOM). Estimates of product sales value and volume, linked with international trade statistics. Source agency: Office for National...

        Sub-national total final energy consumption

        Statistics of total final energy consumption at country, regional and local authority level. Accredited Official Statistics

        Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire: Final

        Final UK data on wood production and trade for international organisations (Eurostat, UNECE and FAO) Source agency: Forestry Commission Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

        Mid & Final Year Funding Claims

        Yorkshire and Humber Colleges Mid & Final Year Funding Claims

        Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland - Final Recommendations

        Datasets of the Boundary Commission's Final Recommendations for 17 Parliamentary constituencies in Northern Ireland under the 2018 Review. Further detail on the Final Recommendations can be found...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2014 (final)

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2014 (final). The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2019 (final)

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2019 (final). The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2016 (final)

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2016 (final). The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2017 FINAL

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2017 FINAL. The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2018 FINAL

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2018 FINAL. The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK sawmills: 1994 to 2015 (final)

        UK sawmills for 1994 to 2015 (final). The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2018 FINAL

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2018 FINAL. The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2017 FINAL

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2017 FINAL. The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2015 (final)

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2015 (final). The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2019 (final)

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2019 (final). The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2016 FINAL

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2016 FINAL. The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        UK roundwood deliveries: 1994 to 2014 (final)

        UK roundwood deliveries for 1994 to 2014 (final). The data cover softwood deliveries and hardwood deliveries. The dataset is released twice a year: Provisional figures are available in May to...

        England sawmills by region: 1994 to 2018 FINAL

        England sawmills for 1994 to 2018 FINAL by region. The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: - English region. The dataset...

        England sawmills by region: 1994 to 2014 (final)

        England sawmills for 1994 to 2014 (final) by region. The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: - English region. The...

        England sawmills by region: 1994 to 2019 (final)

        England sawmills for 1994 to 2019 (final) by region. The data cover number of mills, consumption of softwood and production of sawn softwood and are broken down by: - English region. The...