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556 results found

Labour Disputes

UK breakdown of labour disputes covering: number of working days lost and number of stoppages. The statistics relate to both 'strikes' and 'lockouts'. Source agency: Office for National...

Queries and disputes related to fee for Intervention

HSE operates a Fee for Intervention (FFI) cost recovery scheme, which came into effect on 1 October 2012. Under the FFI scheme, HSE can recover all of the costs it incurs from dealing with...

HMRC How we resolve tax disputes

The Tax Assurance Commissioner’s annual report for 2012-13. This report outlines HMRC’s the department’s performance in resolving disputes with taxpayers for the period from August 2012 to March...

Resolving workplace disputes: a consultation. Impact assessment

Underlying table and figure data from the Resolving workplace disputes: a consultation. Impact assessment [URN 11/512]

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices)

% of payments processed within 30 days (including disputed invoices) *This indicator has been discontinued

DBS upheld and not upheld dispute volumes 2008-2013

Datset includes DBS upheld and not upheld dispute volumes covering 2008 to July 2013. Produced as part of our transparency committment.

Legal Aid Statistics

This dataset provides quarterly aggregated data on overall volume and claim expenditure on the legal aid schemes administered by the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) for England and Wales. The reports...

Legal Advice

Provide legal advice on HR related matters including for employment tribunals and draft policies etc.

Disclosure and Barring Service response times for complaints, enquiries and disputes

Data relating to DBS responses to complaints, enquiries and disputes measured against performance standards.

HCA Legal agreements

Data on building agreements, leases and other similar legal papers relating to land owned by HCA

% of supplier invoices paid within 30 days (including disputed)

% of supplier invoices paid within 30 days (including disputed) This data along with the [__interest paid (£) to suppliers due to late payment of...

London Plan Legal Cluster

London Plan Legal Cluster

Section 106 Legal Agreements

Section 106 legal agreements for Coventry.

Legal Services Commission annual statistics report

The Legal Services Commission is responsible for delivering, through high quality service providers, legal aid, advice and representation to people with problems in England and Wales. We deliver...

Coal mining legal notices

The coal mining legal notice dataset details each notice issued to allow coal mining operations in areas where no mining lease was in existence, as taken from the information held by the Coal...

Location of publicly funded legal services

Grid referenced location of publicly funded legal services Source: Legal Services Commission and ONS Access to Services Team Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Grid...

Section 106-Legal agreement

Identifies sites where legal agreement has been entered into in connection with a planning application under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act. Section 106s entered into between the...

Forestry England Legal Boundary

This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions in England. Legal boundary relates to the estate extent held in ForesterWeb,...

YDNPA Occupancy restrictions and legal agreements

Occupancy is sometimes restricted by means of a planning condition or by a legal agreement. This is an established and valuable mechanism for securing planning matters arising from a development...

National Forest Estate Legal Boundary GB 2017

Legal Boundaries This layer shows the external legal boundaries of land within FC ownership. It does not show the internal deed boundaries. Each polygon has one primary attribute: FORESTDIST :...