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2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

2010 Defra MB0106 Tidal Sources JUICE

Exploitable tide resources identified in the 2007 N-Power Juice report by ABPmer. Approximately 28,000km2 of UK waters has suitable physical conditions for the deployment of tidal technologies and...

Solubility of Indium-Tin Oxide in simulated lung and gastric fluids: Pathways for human assimilation NERC grant NE/L001896/1

From being a metal with very limited natural distribution,indium (In) has recently become disseminated throughout the human society. Little is know of how In compounds behave in the natural...