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        349 results found

        Host Class

        Hydrological Of Soil Types (HOST) - a hydrological classification of the soils in the UK. Definition of each host class plus selected properties

        Isolated Coast

        Isolated Coast within North Ayrshire as set out in the Local Development Plan

        Social Isolation Infographic

        This infographic gives an overview of social isolation and loneliness in Camden.

        Social Isolation Infographic

        This infographic gives an overview of the burden of social isolation and loneliness in Camden

        Host Class by Soil Association

        Dominant Host class associated with each soil association in the national map plus a break down of the proportion of the soil association within each of the classes

        Heterogeneity and environmental stress resistance of wild yeast isolates

        This dataset contains analytical results for wild yeast isolates from soil samples at and near a disused metal smelting works in the north-east of the UK. The main contaminant from the smelting...

        VNTR frequency among isolates of spoligotype 17

        The frequency of each VNTR type among 1179 isolates of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) with the most common spoligotype pattern found in GB (APHA spoligotype 17). Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright,...

        VNTR frequency among randomly selected isolates of bTB from GB

        VNTR frequency for each of 12 spoligotypes of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) (5387 randomly selected isolates one isolate per breakdown). Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

        List and geographical location of badger isolates genotyped to July 2015.

        Data relating to 5661 badger isolates of bovine tuberculosis genotyped at APHA, Weybridge to July 2015. Including: date isolate was cultured, database holding the data, geographical location...

        Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Behavioural study

        This dataset derives from cross-over experiments using ant worker rescue behaviour towards caterpillars of the socially parasitic butterfly from two host-ecotypes. The data comprise datasets...

        Isolations and incidents of Salmonella in cattle - GB Premises, 2010-2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations and incidents in cattle on GB Premises, between 2010-2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, the numbers of isolations and...

        Salmonella isolations in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry - GB Premises 2010-2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations in cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry on GB Premises, between 2010-2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, and by year. ...

        Isolations and incidents of Salmonella in wild birds in Great Britain in 2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations and incidents in wild birds on GB Premises in 2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, the numbers of isolations and...

        Comparisons - Serovars of Salmonella isolated from compound poultry feed in Great Britain (2012 - 2014)

        Salmonella in animal feedingstuffs. This data lists and counts the Salmonella serovar isolations (2012-2014) obtained from testing compound poultry feed in relation to the Animal By-Products...

        Percentage alleles at ETR-A and ETR-B VNTR loci for randomly selected isolates

        Diversity of alleles at the ETR-A and ETR-B VNTR loci for over 55000 randomly selected isolates of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) from GB. Attribution statement: ©Crown Copyright, APHA 2016

        Mimetic host shifts in a social parasite of ants: Caterpillar survivors in Myrmica nests

        This dataset is part of the study of mimetic host shifts in an endangered social parasite of ants, which is a joint study of the NERC's Centre for Ecology & Hydrology(UK), the University of...

        Isolations of Salmonella serovars - Public Health Interest under Defra Codes of Practice, 2012 - 2014

        Salmonella in animal feedingstuffs. The data counts isolations of Salmonella serovars considered to be of special public health importance from products monitored in Great Britain under the Defra...

        Isolations and incidents of Salmonella in pigeons on all premises in Great Britain, 2010-2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations and incidents in pigeons on GB Premises from 2010-2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, the numbers of isolations and...

        Isolations and incidents of Salmonella in deer on all premises in Great Britain, 2010-2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations and incidents in deer on GB Premises from 2010-2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, the numbers of isolations and...

        Isolations and incidents of Salmonella in wild mammals on all premises in Great Britain, 2014

        This dataset shows the total number of Salmonella isolations and incidents in wild mammals on GB Premises for 2014. The data is grouped by Salmonella subspecies, the numbers of isolations and...