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181 results found

High Streets Spend Insights

The report below includes insights derived from Mastercard retail spend data by the High Streets Data Service. The data has been aggregated London-wide and by town centre type to provide insights...

HSDS Insights Page pdfs

pdfs stored here for this page:

Consumer Insights tracking survey

This survey monitors consumer behaviors and attitudes in relation to food availability, affordability and confidence in the food industry and its regulators. This survey was established in November...

Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data - Data Catalogue

Data Catalogue of content on the Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data portal

Cambridgeshire Insight and Open Data Portal Google Analytics Summary

This dataset will display quarterly Google analytics figures for both Cambridgeshire Insight and Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data Portal. It includes total users, total sessions and total page views.

Consumer Insights Tracker - July 2023 - present

The Consumer Insights Tracker is an online monthly tracking survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and administered by YouGov. It monitors the behaviour and attitudes of adult...

Cambridgeshire Insight data on

Cambridgeshire Insight data on is the government platform for releasing public data to help people understand how government works and how policies are made.

Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data inventory list

The Dataset Inventory is a list of all the electronic data held by the Cambridgeshire Insight: Open Data website ( It contains data from a variety of...

Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data inventory list

The Dataset Inventory is a list of all the electronic data held by the Cambridgeshire Insight: Open Data website ( It contains data from a variety of...

Camden Insights

St Pancras And Somers Town Partnership Insight Report 2017

This report has been produced by public health as part of the St Pancras and Somers Town Partnership, and describes a series of insights from local residents and wider stakeholders around what...

FCA: Financial Lives 2022 survey: insights on vulnerability and financial resilience relevant to the rising cost of living

The FCA has published selected data, from its latest Financial Lives survey, on vulnerability and financial resilience, and insights into the financial positions of UK consumers in May 2022. This...

DiSECCS - Diagnostic Seismic Toolbox for Efficient Control of CO2 Storage. Work Package 5 - Insights and Recommendations.. BGS Report OR/17/022.

EPSRC project EP/K035878/1 - DiSECCS research has focussed on developing advanced seismic monitoring tools and combining these with social science research to identify key factors in establishing...

Pliocene Palaeoclimate off Southeastern Africa: Insights from IODP Expedition 361 (NERC grant NE/N020286/1)

The data comprises a multi-proxy dataset of 49 samples spanning approximately the time interval from 1.8-3.9 Ma according to the currently available shipboard age model from offshore the Limpopo...

Mechanical response of anisotropic rocks under hydraulic fracture conditions: new experimental insights (NERC grant NE/L009110/1)

Text data capturing pore fluid pressures (upstream and downstream), axial stress, axial and radial displacement were conditioned and logged by a high-speed data acquisition unit (NI-DAQ 6341)...

EPSRC project paper: New insights from 3D geological models at analogue CO2 storage sites in Lincolnshire and eastern Scotland, UK

Subsurface 3D geological models of aquifer and seal rock systems from two contrasting analogue sites have been created as the first step in an investigation into methodologies for geological...

OS Features API

Direct access to the most detailed geographic data for your analysis. Take full advantage of rich geometries and attributes to generate new insight. Benefit from current, detailed and accurate...

Energy Performance Certificate data - historic (Scotland)

To gain insight into the energy efficiency status of all domestic properties with an EPC in Scotland

Uploading Data - User Guide

The following dataset contains a Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data Portal user guide in pdf format

Digital Assisted Project, North Yorkshire County Council

An Information pack of maps and data to gain an insight into the digital landscape in North Yorkshire.