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662 results found

Phase 2 – Safeguarding

Phase Two safeguarding GIS data

Coal mining child phase

The coal mining child phase dataset shows the position for each Child Phase taken from the information held by the Authority, and includes a number of attributes relating to that feature. This...

BGS seismic phase data

Scanned images of seismic phase data sheets containing phase readings, phase arrival times, amplitude data, magnitude data and derived source information like hypocentres (locations), fault plane...

Coal mining parent phase

The coal mining parent phase data set records the chronology of an underground working (Proposed or Actual). A Parent Phase will typically start life as Proposed and as Coal is extracted over a...

ADM Bilsthorpe Phasing Policy

Areas subject to the Bilsthorpe Phasing Policy in the Allocations & Development Management Development Plan Document (ADM DPD)

2021 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

2021 data consists of high frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom (Location in...

2020 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

2020 data consists of high frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom (Location in...


Secondary School Catchments - Gateshead - Phase2

2018 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2019 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2016 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2012 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from September...

2014 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2013 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2015 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

2017 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from January...

SNH Phase 1 habitat surveys (ARCHIVE)

Phase 1 surveys (polygons only) have been made available to download from Natural Spaces on 05/07/2017. Caveat for data usage: this is an archived dataset and is no longer updated or maintained....

2017 High frequency magnetic field induction coil data from Eskdalemuir Observatory, UK (October to December 2017)

High frequency (100 Hz) data from two horizontal induction coils measuring the Earth's magnetic field at the Eskdalemuir Observatory in the United Kingdom. The data covers the period from October...

Terrestrial Phase 1 Habitat Survey

This dataset holds comprehensive habitat cover data for the whole of Wales derived from a programme of field recording that was begun by the Wales Field Unit (WFU) of the Nature Conservancy...

HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route consultation

GIS shapefile data presenting the July 2013 consultation alignments, stations and depots for the proposed HS2 Phase Two proposed line of route between the West Midlands and the East Midlands,...