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hotel_guest_houses Polygon dataset indicating geographic location of Hotel & Guest House areas in the Clacton on Sea area. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted...

Kensington Forum hotel application documents July 2020

Documents for the Kensington Forum hotel public hearing, case reference 4266. For more information see...

Kensington Forum hotel application documents May 2019

Case reference 4266. See also the documents from July 2020 at...

Business Travel - Hotel - CO2 (kg) (000's)

Business Travel - Hotel - CO2 (kg) (000's)

CIL Hotel Charging Zone

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath & North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and...

Primary Holiday Areas

The main identifiable holiday accommodation areas within which further losses of hotel development for purposes other than tourism accommodation will be resisted. Areas are recorded as polygons

Inspected accommodation

Hotel accommodation inspected by Barrow Borough Council. Locations are recorded as a point. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End...

Community services

Dataset providing locations of services including medical centres, educational establishments, stations, community centres, emergency services and hotels. Additional information The Eastings and...

Community services

Dataset providing locations of services including medical centres, educational establishments, stations, community centres, emergency services and hotels. Additional...

Number of Households in Bed and Breakfast Temporary Accommodation 2013/14 - 2015/16

The number of households living in bed and breakfast accommodation (including hotels) at the end of each quarter. Data is based on financial quarters e.g. Q1 is a snapshot at the end of June

Community Services

Data set providing locations of services within Calderdale including: hospitals, GP surgeries, community centres, dentist, schools and hotels. The Eastings/Northings and Longitude/Latitude...

Senior staff expenses

These datasets show the expense claims of HEFCE senior staff – these are staff at director-level and above. Monthly summary data for individuals is provided under categories of spend such as rail,...

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Financial Databases

All financial transactions processed and held in Open Accounts and Ebis. List of holders of leased cars. List of all allocated mobile phones. List of assets owned by Cafcass. List of users of...

Premises licences

These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or serve hot food after 11pm (e.g. pubs, bars, takeaways, supermarkets and hotels). The best way to work...

NICE Board members' and Senior Management Team allowances and expenses

This report shows business expenses incurred by the incumbent in delivery of their duties. NICE holds Board meetings around the country closer to the organisations and people we support. All staff...

Food Hygiene Rating Scheme Camden

This dataset contains food hygiene ratings or inspection results given to businesses located in the London Borough of Camden, and reflect the standards of food hygiene found on the date of...

Afghan Emergency Response Survey

This dataset presents results of a four-weekly questionnaire sent to a cohort of organisations working directly with Afghan communities in London. The first two surveys, beginning October...

Communal establishment residents (2001 Census)

Number of residents in communal establishments (defined as managed residential accommodation where there is full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation) Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCW00796

Survey name: ALSAGER, WILLOW HOUSE HOTEL Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...

Agricultural Land Classification detailed Post 1988 survey ALCL06090

Survey name: Aldwark, Aldwark Manor Hotel Post 1988 Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) site survey data – scanned original paper maps and survey reports for individual sites surveyed in detail...