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48 results found

Car Parking Tickets

This dataset is a Car Parking Ticket report, this shows how many tickets were issued, how many have been paid and what course of action has been undertaken in relation to the tickets. This is...

Carriageworks Theatre tickets sold

This data shows the number of tickets sold by the City Centre Box Office for all ticketed Carriageworks Theatre events between the dates indicated. Further information ------------------- * ...

Smart and Integrated Ticketing Report

Report to investigate the awareness of and use made of multi-journey tickets on bus and train journeys. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Customer Centre Tickets issued - Parking

Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Area

Designated area for the Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum. Designation date of 18 July 2023.

CPZ Ticket Machines

shows boundaries and locations of lambeth parking services information

Persistent organic pollutants and mercury in merlin and golden eagle eggs [PBMS]

This dataset contains concentrations of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and mercury (Hg) in merlin and golden eagle egg contents collected as part of the Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme...

2022 SafetyNet Technologies Irish Sea Golden Ray Nephrops light trial

Experimental deployment of LED lights on trawl headline to examine finfish bycatch rates in twin-rig Nephrops fishery.

2022 SafetyNet Technologies Irish Sea Golden Ray Nephrops light trial

Experimental deployment of LED lights on trawl headline to examine finfish bycatch rates in twin-rig Nephrops fishery.

2017, Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd, Golden Eagle Debris Survey, Site Survey, DECC Reference Number GS_639

An oil and gas industry debris clearance, seabed infrastructure site survey acquired under licence P928 between October and November 2017. The block numbers traversed were 20/1N, 17/26a, 14/26c,...

Spatial and temporal datasets for mixing of fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments

These spatial and temporal image datasets are of mixing fluids in a dyke-like (slot) geometry investigated using low-temperature laboratory experiments which are described in the paper Analogue...

Habitat point records from 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey

Detailed survey of the offshore reefs of Lyme Bay. Survey areas were previously identified as being subject to damage from mobile fishing gear (DWT, 1992). The areas were selected for this survey...

Species point records from 1998 DWT Lyme Bay sublittoral rock survey

Detailed survey of the offshore reefs of Lyme Bay. Survey areas were previously identified as being subject to damage from mobile fishing gear (DWT, 1992). The areas were selected for this survey...

DWP Flight expenses 2011

Air Travel Data from May to Dec 2011. Includes cost, ticket class, departure date, journey from and to, supplier. Does not contain personal information.

Penalty Charge Notice Data

This data presents the number of Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), more commonly known as parking tickets, issued for vehicles found to be in contravention of parking restrictions or bus lane...

Leeds international film festival visitor location data

This dataset provides details of the number of visitors to the Leeds International Film Festival and their locations. Please note ----------- The postcodes provided are for the individual...

London Area Travel Survey (LATS)

The London Area Travel Survey (LATS) collected data on a sample of rail journeys in 2001. Data items include origin & destination addresses, rail stations used, reason for journey, ticket type,...

National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS)

Rail Service Analysis (RSA). The National Rail Travel Survey (NRTS) collected data on a sample of rail journeys. Data items include origin & destination addresses, rail stations used, reason...

Northern Ireland Railways Stations

A Northern Ireland Railways Station is defined as a railway facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or goods. A Station generally consists of a platform next to the track...

Estimates of Station Usage

Figures are based on ticket sales data recorded in rail industry systems. These are estimates and users should read the accompanying report in order to understand the limitations of the dataset.