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13 results found

Architects Register Search - Find an Architect

Official UK Register of Architects - Search for architects in the UK. When someone uses the title "architect", it means that members of the public can check with us that they are dealing with a...

Identicom Lone Worker Safety User Data

EA employees who work alone on site use a system called Identicom to ensure their safety by keeping track of their location. This is a typical year of data that provides system usage, false alarms...

London Civic Strength Index

Co-designed and co-created with Londoners, the Civic Strength Index was developed by [The Young Foundation]( and funded by the GLA. It helps London boroughs and...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) surface sediment colloidal carbohydrate concentration in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details surface sediment colloidal carbohydrate concentrations across six intertidal sites in the winter and summer of 2013. Colloidal carbohydrate concentrations in surface sediments...

Planning Applications - Scotland

This new planning applications data has been created using a custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated collection of data from local data systems on a DAILY basis....

2009-2016 Loxton et al., Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This dataset...

2009-2016 Loxton et al., Distribution of the invasive bryozoan Schizoporella japonica in Great Britain and Ireland and a review of its European distribution

The bryozoan Schizoporella japonica Ortmann (1890) was first recorded in European waters in 2010 and has since been reported from further locations in Great Britain (GB) and Norway. This dataset...

Ofcom Connected Nations (previously called Infrastructure Report) - UK internet speeds and coverage: broadband, wifi and mobile

Ofcom's annual reports on the UK’s fixed broadband coverage, mobile and wifi network coverage, digital television, digital radio and internet infrastructure. Please see our terms of use for our...

Planning Applications (DEPRECATED) - Scotland

'Development management' is the name given to the process of deciding planning applications and various other associated activities including enforcement of planning controls. For the purposes of...

Evolution of Carbon Cycle Dynamics (eCCD) (NERC grant NE/H022554/1)

The global carbon cycle - how much carbon is stored in its interconnected reservoirs (ocean, atmosphere, plants and soils on land, sediments in the deep sea) as well as the fluxes between them, is...

21CXRM Phase 2 East Shetland Platform Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...

Caledonian Pinewood Inventory

Description: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has the largest natural distribution of any conifer in the world, ranging from northern Norway to Spain, and from Scotland across Europe and Asia to...

21CXRM Phase 2 Southwest of Britain Data Package

Integrated petroleum systems (PeST) studies and seep evaluations of the East Shetland Platform and SW Approaches area of the UKCS.  The studies were carried out as an industry collaboration as...