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649 results found

Gathering Evidence

Gathering economic evidence for the Bee Health, Plant Health, and Plant Varieties and Seeds sectors and interventions

Torbay MCZ Bait Digging and Hand-gathering Report

Surveys were undertaken in 2016-2017 and were semi-stratified in order to obtain an even coverage of spring and neap tides, weekdays and weekends. Surveys were planned to fall around low tide...

Torbay MCZ Bait Digging and Hand-gathering Report

Surveys were undertaken in 2016-2017 and were semi-stratified in order to obtain an even coverage of spring and neap tides, weekdays and weekends. Surveys were planned to fall around low tide...

Evidence gathered under the Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality of Autumn 2021

Data and written reports detailing the evidence used to inform the Environment Agency and Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality events of October 2021. Data from the Environment...

Receiver function gathers and stacks for mapping mantle discontinuities (NERC Grant NE/P001378/1)

The three-component data are downloaded from CDSN and processed with instrument response removed. The data coverages include sampling in the East Asia, southwest and northwest Pacific.

Azimuthal gathers for azimuthal Q analysis from JC152 cruise, North Sea 2017 (NERC Grant NE/S003347/1)

This is a subset of the seismic GI gun data recorded on the CHIMNEY JC152 cruise in 2017 (further information and nomenclature in Bull et al. 2018). Data were recorded on Ocean Bottom Seismic...

Marine biotoxin data measured within crab and lobster flesh taken from samples gathered from the Northumberland coast in 2021 and 2022

Measurements of marine biotoxin concentrations quantified in crab and lobster tissues sampled from North East England around the time of the crustacean mortality event(s) during 2021. Samples...

Upcoming Parades

Register of immediately forthcoming parades and other notified public gatherings.

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

VOA prices paid on sale or transfer of properties

SDLT data from HMRC and HM Land Registry to gather evidence of value of property. Updated: regularly

Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) - enforcement data

Data on individual enforcement cases (e.g. Intelligence, information supplied/gatherered about possible breaches of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR)).

Housing Commitments 2015

Data on housing commitments in the 5 Cambridgeshire Districts, gather and cleaned by CCC Research and Monitoring team.

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical Survey 1999/3: Coastal and Estuary Evolution (25/10/1999 to 29/10/1999)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical survey took place in October 1999 in the Mersey Estuary aboard the Environment Agency vessel Goastal Guardian. The purpose was to gather data...

Injurious Weeds complaints in England

Number and location of injurious weeds complaints made in England, Source: Derived from data gathered by the Weeds team in Natural England.

ANR (Advanced Notification of Redundancy)

Information gathering database for advanced notification of redundancy for companies with over 20 Employee's at the risk of redundancy at any one site.

2016-2019 DAERA Northern Ireland Sypball camera subtidal survey Strangford Lough

This dataset is a collation from subtidal ground-truthing surveys carried out in Strangford Lough SAC and MCZ between 2016-2019. This part of DAERA biodiversity and MPA monitoring programme in the...

2016-2019 DAERA Northern Ireland Sypball camera subtidal survey Strangford Lough

This dataset is a collation from subtidal ground-truthing surveys carried out in Strangford Lough SAC and MCZ between 2016-2019. This part of DAERA biodiversity and MPA monitoring programme in the...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1975/WH/5: Malin Sea (04/Sep/1975 to 21/Sep/1975)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) regional marine geophysical and sampling survey took place in September 1975 in Malin Sea on board the MV Whitethorn. The purpose was to gather data which could...

Marine Accident Investigation Branch published evidence

Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). Information that was gathered under Primary Voyage Data Recorders and Forensically copied evidence which was subsequently included in published reports

Housing Completions 2015

Number of homes completed (built) in each financial year according to annual monitoring reports, data gathered and cleaned by CCC Research and Monitoring team