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National Archives - Gender Pay Gap

Gender Pay Gap Details - The National Archives

Tribunals and Gender Recognition Statistics

The bulletin presents the latest statistics on type and volume of tribunal cases received, disposed of and outstanding and the number of Gender Recognition Certificates applied for and granted. ...

Gender Recognition Certificate Statistics

Summary statistics on Gender Recognition Certificates applied for and granted by Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service’s Gender Recognition Panel. Under UK law, individuals are considered by...

DCMS Gender Pay Gap

The difference in average earnings between male and female employees at DCMS.

BEIS: gender pay gap information

Data on the difference in employees’ average earnings releases from April 2016 .

New Deal programme: Starts by gender

The three covered in this dataset are: The New Deal for Young People (NDYP), The New Deal for the Long Term Unemployed (now New Deal 25plus), and The New Deal for Lone Parents. The data are used to...

Defra gender pay gap 2013

Summary of the difference between the average salary of women and men in Defra. The difference is expressed as a percentage of the average male earnings and calculated for each grade and for all...

CPS - Number of Conditional Cautions broken down by Gender and Area

This shows the number of Conditional Cautions administered in the period broken down by gender and CPS Area.

New Deal programme: Jobs gained by gender

The data are used to evaluate the performance of the New Deal for Young People, Lone Parents and 25 plus and jobs gained from each programme broken down by gender. New Deal ran between 1998 and...

Gender Pay Gap

This covers all employees of Leicester City Council except those based in schools.  Included are all staff permanently and temporarily employed on the last day of the pay period.  This includes...

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap report for Calderdale Council published as part of our [Public Sector Equality...

Gender Pay Gap

All organisations with 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap. The gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women,...

Focus on Gender

Offers an insight into the lives of men and women in contemporary UK society. It includes information on their characteristics, experiences and lifestyle, placing particular emphasis on the...

FCO Diversity and Equality Report and Gender Pay Gap

FCO Diversity and Equality Report 2016

Employees - gender and sexual orientation

Breakdown of Leicester City Council's employees (excluding schools and casual workers) providing headcount and full time equivalent by gender and sexual orientation.This information is provided on...

Census 2021 - Gender identity

The census is undertaken by the Office for National Statistics every 10 years and gives us a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales. The most recent census took place in...

Employees - Grade, Gender and Ethnicity

Breakdown of number of employees by grade, gender and ethnicity.This data will be published quarterly.

Victim and offender - gender and age

Breakdown of victim and offenders for each district, by age group and gender in Cambridgeshire. The data covers the full year of 2012 and covers victims and offenders as identified by...

CYC Gender Pay Gap

CYC's annual gender pay gap report, including all CYC staff but excluding all schools staff and councillors.

Gender Pay Gaps in London

This dataset contains gender pay gap figures for all employees in London and large employers in London. The pay gap figures for GLA group organisations can be found on their respective...