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        68 results found

        Fire statistics: False alarms

        Statistics on fire false alarms. National Statistics on fires, casualties and false alarms attended by the Fire and Rescue Services in the United Kingdom

        Municipal Recycling and Waste Strategy - Final Consultation Report

        As is usual practice, the drafting of a new Strategy has been subject to a formal public consultation.  This report sets out the full findings from the council’s consultation. The findings...

        Fire Statistics Monitor

        Statistics on fires, casualties, false alarms and non-fire incidents attended by fire and rescue services in England.

        Fire statistics monitors

        Statistics on fires, casualties, false alarms and non-fire incidents attended by fire and rescue services in the UK.

        Identicom Lone Worker Safety User Data

        EA employees who work alone on site use a system called Identicom to ensure their safety by keeping track of their location. This is a typical year of data that provides system usage, false alarms...

        Fire and rescue service: All incidents attended

        This dataset covers incidents attended by fire and rescue services (FRS) in England and Wales, excluding the Isles of Scilly, covering a total of 49 FRS. The data include incidents that not only...

        Lough Erne Accountability Report - tables

        In 2009 G8 Leaders made a public commitment to monitor their progress on the promises they have made on development. Since the Muskoka G8 summit in 2010 they have published an annual Accountability...

        Scarborough Borough Council Spend Over £500

        The information comes from our general ledger system and is grouped by an invoices payment date, rather than when it is first recorded on our ledger system. The report includes all payments...

        Cambridgeshire District Boundaries (incl. Peterborough)

        Data identifying Cambridgeshire district boundaries (including Peterborough). For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal website. If data is used, please acknowledge the copyright and the...

        County and Unitary Authority Boundaries 2015

        Data identifying Cambridgeshire's county boundary and Peterborough's Unitary Authority boundary. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal website. If data is used, please acknowledge the...

        1971 - 1990 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Rare marine mollusc records by local ecologist Dennis Seaward

        A comprehensive record of marine molluscs recorded off the Dorset coast since 1971. A copy of the original recording cards is held at Dorset Environmental Records Centre. N.B.: So far only...

        1971 - 1990 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Rare marine mollusc records by local ecologist Dennis Seaward

        A comprehensive record of marine molluscs recorded off the Dorset coast since 1971. A copy of the original recording cards is held at Dorset Environmental Records Centre. N.B.: So far only...


        Data identifying the boundary of the East of England. For more information, please see the ONS Geoportal website. If data is used, please acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by...

        UKCCSRC Call 2 project poster: Advanced Sorbents for CCS via Controlled Sintering, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

        This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 2 project Advanced Sorbents for CCS via Controlled Sintering was presented at the CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16. Grant number: UKCCSRC-C2-206....

        Fire statistics: Cause of fire

        This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

        Fire statistics: Response times

        This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

        Fire statistics: temporal and seasonal

        This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

        Fraud Data

        This information relates to counter fraud work undertaken by the Council. The data relates mainly to the number of staff employed, number of investigations undertaken and the occasions when...

        Fire statistics: Non-dwelling fires attended

        This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...

        Fire statistics: Deliberate fires attended

        This information covers fires, false and other incidents attended by firecrews, and the statistics include the numbers of incidents, fires, fatalities and casualties as well as information on...