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362 results found

Polling Districts

Polling districts in Calderdale. These files contain the shape, extent and location of polling districts, and polling district code. Below are maps of each ward with the polling district...

Polling Stations

Polling stations information including address, polling district letters and ward.  For maps and mapping information on polling districts, see [Polling...

Polling Districts

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Polling Districts

Boundary of polling districts, and location of polling stations in Wigan

Polling Stations

Boundary of polling districts, and location of polling stations in Wigan

Polling Districts

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Polling Stations

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Polling Stations

Under Section 18A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended) the Council is required to divide each parliamentary constituency in the area into polling districts, to designate...

Polling Stations

shows location of polling stations and the boundaries of polling districts within lambeth

Polling Districts

shows location of polling stations and the boundaries of polling districts within lambeth

Polling Stations

Polling stations for Town/Parish/County Council & Parliamentary elections. NOTE - there are many Polling Stations that have multiple polling districts that vote there - in these cases there...

Polling Places - Moray

Moray Council Polling Places. Point data showing the polling places for the Moray Council area. A polling place is a the particular building where people go to cast their vote(s) during elections....

Polling District

A polling district is the subdivision of a parliamentary constituency for the purpose of a UK Parliamentary election. Polling districts are not maintained on a regular basis and have mostly been...

Polling Places - Scotland

A ‘polling place’ is defined as the building or area in which a polling station will be located. A ‘polling station’ is the room or area within the polling place where voting takes place. Unlike...

Polling districts

Under Section 17 of the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013, the Council is required to carry out a polling district boundary review within the 16 months from 01 October 2013 and...

Bristol Polling Stations

Polling Districts within the City of Bristol. Democracy, Local Government, Elections. To view Polling Districts and Polling Stations through BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL INSPIRE WMS see...

Polling Places - Dundee

A Polling Place is the building or area in which polling stations are contained. Local Authorities designate polling places by virtue of Section 18B of The Representation of the People Act 1983...

Polling Places - Aberdeenshire

A Polling District is a geographical subdivision of an electoral area such as an electoral Ward within which a polling place is designated. The Representation of the People Act 1983 places a duty...

Polling Districts - Scotland

A ‘polling district’ is a geographical subdivision of an electoral area such as an electoral Ward within which a polling place is designated. The Representation of the People Act 1983 places a...

Polling Districts - Clackmannanshire

A Polling District is a geographical subdivision of an electoral area such as an electoral Ward within which a polling place is designated. The Representation of the People Act 1983 places a duty...