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88 results found

Geomechanical and discrete fracture networks in Thomas et al. 2020, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (NERC Grant NE/L000660/1)

Data supporting 'Effective permeability tensors of three-dimensional numerically grown geomechanical discrete fracture networks with evolving geometry and mechanical apertures', submitted to the...

Ecosystem Interactions on the Somerset Levels

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. Following publication of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment in June 2011, and Defra’s promotion of taking an ecosystems...

CASI Multispectral Imagery

Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager is a multispectral pushbroom system that acquires data in visible and near infrared (VNIR) light. Unlike camera systems that generally acquire data in three...

Agricultural compliance visits Land & Water teams

A list of farm visits conducted to check compliance with a number of environmental regulatory requirements and good practice. Data is split by historical operational regions/areas. Discrete river...

Register of quota holdings Fixed Quota Allocation (FQA register)

The FQA (Fixed Quota Allocation) Register is a list of fishing vessel licence and entitlement holders who hold FQA units. Details are given of the FQA units attributable to each licence and...

Administrative Boundaries - Public Face Areas

This dataset has now been Retired as it has been replaced by "Administrative Boundaries - Environment Agency and Natural England Public Face Areas". This is for Approval for Access product AfA015...

Coastal Overview Map [Eng only]

The Coastal Overview data layers identifies the lead authority for the management of discrete stretches of the English coast as defined by the Seaward of the Schedule 4 boundary of the Coastal...

Flood Warning Areas

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA054 Flood Warning Areas. These are geographical areas where we expect flooding to occur and where we provide a Flood Warning Service. They...

EA Pension Fund Investment Holdings

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement and being open and transparent, we publish the Fund’s holdings. We update the data every quarter. For operational reasons, we publish this at...

Speed Camera Locations in Greater Manchester

Location of fixed and mobile speed cameras in Greater Manchester. NOTE: The Police have discretion to undertake speed enforcement anywhere within the Greater Manchester area, activity which is...

Coastal Overview Legislation [Eng only]

Coastal Legislative Layer [Polyline]. The Coastal Overview data layers identifies the lead authority for the management of discrete stretches of the English coast as defined by the Seaward of the...

National LIDAR Programme

The Environment Agency National LIDAR Programme provides accurate elevation data at 1m spatial resolution for all of England. In 2017 we divided the country into 302 survey blocks covering all of...

Palaeomagnetism measurements collected on-board JOIDES Resolution during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 346 (NERC grant NE/N004736/1)

The dataset created includes natural remanent magnetisation (NRM) of archive-half core sections recovered at nine sites (i.e. Sites U1422, U1423, U1424, U1425, U1426, U1427, U1428, U1429, and...

Integrated Site Assessment Species Records

Integrated Site Assessments are carried out by Natural England staff to assess the condition of notified features on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and Indicators of Success on Higher Level...

Integrated Site Assessment Species Records

Integrated Site Assessments are carried out by Natural England staff to assess the condition of notified features on Sites of Special Scientific Interest, and Indicators of Success on Higher Level...

Flood Warning Areas

This spatial Flood Warning Areas dataset are geographical areas where NRW expect flooding to occur and where NRW provide a Flood Warning Service. Flood Warning Areas generally contain...

LIDAR Vegetation Object Model (VOM)

The LIDAR derived Vegetation Object Model (VOM) is a raster product produced as part of the Environment Agency’s “Keeping Rivers Cool” project. It is an attempt to identify riparian tree cover and...

Flood Alert Areas

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA055. Flood Alert Areas are geographical areas where it is possible for flooding of low-lying land and roads to occur from rivers, sea and in some...

Brownfield Land Register

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 sets a requirement for all Local Planning Authorities to establish a Brownfield Land Register. As set out in the...

Brownfield Land Register

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 sets a requirement for all Local Planning Authorities to establish a Brownfield Land Register. As set out in the...