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138 results found

Total Diet Study (TDS) Analysis

Preparation and analysis of total diet study

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey

The survey was designed to meet the aims of the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) programme in providing detailed information on the current dietary behaviour and nutritional status of...

Diet, gut microbiome and parasite data from wild rodents and diet shift data from captive rodents, 2014-2018

This dataset is a combination of data obtained from a longitudinal live trapping study of wild rodents in Wytham Woods, Oxford (51.796 N,-1.367 W); October 2015-18), a dissection study of rodents...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey: Years 5-9

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (NDNS RP) is a continuous cross-sectional survey, designed to assess the diet, nutrient intake and nutritional status of the general...

Pacific oyster physiology data with different microalgal diets 2020-2022

72 adult Pacific oysters collected from Woolston bay in Southampton in October 2021 and fed one of three microalgal diets: Isochrysis galbana, Nannochloropsis gaditana/oculata, or an equal mix of...

Diet - x5 or more Fruit and Veg a day - 2014

Data showing Diet - x5 or more Fruit and veg a day - Plymouth - 2014 from the Health and Wellbeing Survey 2014

Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England

This statistical report presents a range of information on obesity, physical activity and diet, drawn together from a variety of sources. The topics covered include: - Overweight and obesity...

Diet, timing of egg laying and breeding success data for Isle of May European shag population 1985-2015

Data on timing of breeding, breeding success and diet of the European shag, sampled from the Isle of May population. The data were collected between 1985 and 2015 by visually checking nests and...

Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2019

This dataset contains prey items of common guillemot (Uria aalge) and razorbill (Alca torda) observed during the 2019 breeding season at East Caithness Special Protection Area (SPA), Buchan Ness to...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey

Feeding practices, food consumption and nutrient intakes of infants and young children aged 4 to 18 months and living in private households in the UK Source agency: Health Designation: Official...

Diet of common guillemot and razorbill at East Caithness, Buchan Ness to Collieston Coast and Isle of May in 2018

This dataset contains prey items of common guillemot Uria aalge and razorbill Alca torda observed during the 2018 breeding season at East Caithness Special Protection Area (SPA), Buchan Ness to...

Behaviour, diet, condition and demography data for common guillemots from the Isle of May, 1982-2019

This dataset contains information on the parental behaviour, diet, condition and demography of common guillemots on the Isle of May, south-east Scotland. Annual data are available for 1982 to 2019...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Scotland)

Food consumption, nutrient intakes and nutritional status of the Scottish population - adults and children from 18 months upwards. Results are presented by age/sex sub-groups. Source agency: Food...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey (Rolling Programme)

The Food Standards Agency took lead responsibility for publication of NDNS statistics for the 1st year of the new Rolling Programme (publication date February 2010). For the 2nd year (published in...

Experimental results of trials to assess non-native fish impacts on the diet and trophic position of native pond fishes using stable isotope analysis in outdoor artificial ponds

These data derive from experiments carried out during the spring and summer months of two successive years (2014 and 2015) in outdoor experimental ponds previously situated in East Sussex. The...

Experimental results of trials to assess non-native fish impacts on the diet and trophic position of native pond fishes using stable isotope analysis in outdoor artificial ponds

These data derive from experiments carried out during the spring and summer months of two successive years (2014 and 2015) in outdoor experimental ponds previously situated in East Sussex. The...

Database of critical oxygen level (Pcrit) in freshwater and marine fishes 1974 - 2015

This is a comprehensive database of critical oxygen (Pcrit) values from freshwater, marine and euryhaline teleost fish compiled from published literature. The database incorporates 331...

Database of critical oxygen level (Pcrit) in freshwater and marine fishes 1974 - 2015

This is a comprehensive database of critical oxygen (Pcrit) values from freshwater, marine and euryhaline teleost fish compiled from published literature. The database incorporates 331...

Documents relating to the VMD's internal Alert Group which considers significance of pharmacovigilance data received on veterinary medicinal products

Results of proportinal reporting ration analyses and investigations into the signals detected.

Rushmoor Pay Multiple

The ration between the highest and lowest paid employees at Rushmoor Borough Council