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        Social Housing Asset Value Manchester

        This data set is provided as specified in para. 38 of Local Government Transparency Code February 2015 This data provides information relating to the market value of social housing assets...

        Nanoindentation of shales from the Horn River Basin, North West Canada (NERC Grant NE/R018057/1, NE/R017840/1, NE/R017565/1)

        This dataset contains results from nanoindentation testing of five shale samples from the Horn River Basin (core from wells A100B/94 and D94A/94). The samples are from the following formations: A3...

        Pendle Pay Multiple

        Under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 Councils are encouraged to produce Pay Policy Statements which include their policy on pay dispersion, which is the relationship between remuneration of...

        Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2017 - Approvals & Allocations

        A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is a technical exercise to determine the quantity and suitability of land potentially available for housing development. It is not a site...

        Tree diameter census data in intact forest permanent plots across the Amazon Basin, 2017-2019

        The dataset contains information of Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of 8,729 trees. These trees are distributed in 29 RAINFOR network forest plots across the Brazilian Amazon, comprising the states...

        Strategic Open Spaces for Larger Towns

        In 2014 Cornwall Council adopted the Open Space Strategy for Larger Towns in Cornwall as interim planning guidance pending adoption of the Cornwall Local Plan, when it will follow the process to...

        MFIX simulation input files and results of simulation of fragmentation-induced fluidization, and laboratory analyses of volcanic pyroclastic density current material (NERC Grant NE/V014242/1)

        MFIX (Multiphase Flow with Interphase eXchanges) simulation input files and results of simulation of fragmentation-induced fluidization, and laboratory analyses of volcanic pyroclastic density...

        GLA Poll Results

        The GLA undertakes regular polling of Londoners' views. The results from these polls appear on this page. December 2017 – Rail services Link to PDF of topline (PDF) November 2017 – Workplace...

        Municipal Recycling and Waste Strategy - Final Consultation Report

        As is usual practice, the drafting of a new Strategy has been subject to a formal public consultation.  This report sets out the full findings from the council’s consultation. The findings...