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16,053 results found

Contaminated Land Determined Sites

Contaminated Land Part 2A Determined Sites

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (BNG)

Onshore field determinations

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (ETRS89)

Offshore field determinations 

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (WGS84)

Offshore field determinations 

NSTA Onshore Field Determinations (WGS84)

Onshore field determinations

NSTA Offshore Field Determinations (ED50)

Offshore field determinations 

Contaminated Land Determined Site - Rochdale Borough Council

Sites which have been determined as contaminated land in accordance with Part 2A of the 1990 Environmental Protection Act (EPA) within the District of Rochdale MBC.

Monitoring Determinants

Connective Reference Data (Code-List) that lists the things that Defra and its Arms Length Bodies Monitor. This does not currently exist in a consolidated form but exists in part in each...

Private rent determinations for Housing Benefit (HB)

The purpose of the dataset is to provide an indication of the geographical distribution of private tenants' applications for Housing Benefit, to show the size, type and age of dwellings concerned,...

% of major applications determined within 13 Weeks (NPI157a)

% of major applications determined within 13 Weeks (NPI157a)

% of other applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157c)

% of other applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157c) *This indicator has been discontinued

% of non-major applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157b)

% of non-major applications determined within 8 Weeks (NPI157b)

Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)

Voluntary Turnover (%) - CYC Total (Including Schools)

Animals frozen, including type and quantity

Animals frozen, including type and quantity

Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)

Staff Headcount - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)

Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)

Staff FTE - CYC Total (Including Schools) - (Snapshot)

Estimates of the Very Old (including centenarians)

Estimates of those aged 90 and over (including centenarians) by gender, single year of age (90-104) and by age groups (90-99), 100+ and 105+ for the UK, England and Wales (as a whole), Scotland and...

Business rates - all properties including account start date

Business rates - All properties including account start date

CYC Workforce Profile – Including equalities

Aquaculture - Finfish and shellfish farms (including fishery sites)

Point data identifying the location of finfish or shellfish farms around Scotland from the Fish Health Inspectorate Aquadat database. This includes fishery sites which are ponds or other...